I think we would all be surprised that everything you have would not really be worth much. Not saying that everything that we possess is worthless. As they perform functions for us. But in the real world not much value. Which is why such "deals" can be found at thrift stores and yard sales.
All of your worldly possessions are not worth a grand! The things that mean the world to you are worth nothing. Or next to it. At least they perform a function or value to you. Your wardrobe might not even pass for sale at Goodwill. You would have to pay someone to haul off your furniture. The pawn shop wouldn't lend you $20 for your TV. Sad but true.
The nice thing about this is that thieves probably would try to steal your things. Kind of like robbing a coal train. Again, don't feel bad about it. That $3000 TV your brother in law bought won't bring but a couple of hundred at the pawn shop too.