Plus and minus. Simple math right. Well we are not talking about math today. We will talk about the pluses and minuses of today's life.
On television the other day the Tampa Bay Rays coach was on talking about there being 700,000 people in the Tampa Bay area who do not have enough to eat on a daily basis. If they eat at the stadium I could see why. Nine dollars for a hot dog. Six dollars for a bag of peanuts. If you had to eat there it would cost about sixty dollars a day to have a reasonably balanced diet.
Working at a grocery store (one of many in our chain) we donate tons of food to the homeless (or whatever) every day. Going down about any street I do not see too many people at a skin and bones level. If fact most look like they have been eating too much.
As there are two sides to every coin there is a plus and minus. We have to be happy for what we have and not unhappy for what we do not have. People will always find some way to survive. And you can't hold that against anyone. Ultimately it is up to ourselves to determine if we are happy and OK with the way things are.
Take the plus side. Most of us have a place to stay. Food to eat. A job if you are able or want one. Clothes to wear. A TV and computer. Medical care of sorts. The opportunity to choose a life that we want to lead. do you really see anyone that down and out? If you take in consideration all the pluses, the minuses seem to be not so bad.
Sometimes we all feel spite. We are going to get back at everyone and anything that has done us wrong. So this builds to the point that you are driven by it. When all along you could be pleasant and helpful with less effort. So if we can discount these feeling that sometimes have become hard and fast you may find that there are less minuses.
We all run into things that are cannot be under control. An accident, medical, family matters, job problems and a plethora of things. Take them as they go.