Sunday, March 10, 2013


     Most of us would hate to admit it. But I'm a nerd. If you look like a nerd. Act like a nerd. Smell like a nerd (Old Spice or Brut). You must be a nerd. Every once and a while I climb out of my nerd hole. Try to blend into the mainstream. Do something daring. Strike out. Be bold. Get with it. Only to be soon detected and shot down. I have tried again and again over the years. But it is what it is. A cow don't make ham.
     So I have made a little compilation of nerd do's and don't. This little guide is in no means is not set in stone. It could be just considered an opinion. So this is for amusement purposes only.

3.have debt
4.use bad lauguage
5.go to bars
6.try to bother anyone
7.miss or be tardy for work
8.get too upset
9.stick out in a crowd     
10.try to be cool

NERDS DO: within means to amuse themselves frugaly well sensibly
5.stay home not need the latest fahions not be rude
8.know their limitations
9.know that they are not desireable to women

     Once you figure this out you can consider yourself a real nerd. I am working on it every day. So far I have fell short on many of the listings. But I will keep trying. Because there is no reason to believe that this is  a fact to be dealt with. It's Calvinism. You can't change it.
     I came up a statment. " I could go out dressed up in a new Burberrys suit, driving a Jaguar, with hundred dollars bills taped on me. In the end. I would end up walking home broke, naked and by myself." The way it is. Quit fighting it. Just be nice. It will work for everybody, You are what you is!