Thursday, December 28, 2017

Watching Some Strange Things On YouTube

     The last couple of weeks I have been watching some strange things on YouTube. And a lot of it makes sense. To the point which makes me look at my thoughts, actions and beliefs of the past. And it all falls in line with the way people behave and the moves they make. 
     There are a lot of things going on that we (me) did not think of and certainly would not be thinking of during the past. First of all most of the things I thought was important was not and just a diversion for a small mind. The material things. Thoughts about who was and who is an "enemy". The fact that our money is worthless and now being replaced by cards. The fact that every move you make is monitored or you believe it is monitored. That the future is hopeless. 
     Let's face it. It just not seem like the majority of people are happy.    
     People are at odds with each other in a worse way than I can remember in my life. We have all been pigeon holed into little stereotypical groups where we act as we a supposed to act. Almost cliche'. And i feel that my personal value is nil. I feel terrible physically. Starting to think that everything that I have done was stupid and would really just like to go to bed and never wake up. 
     Somehow I stumbled upon the Antarctica exploration when looking up thing on aviation. Then it led to theories of deceit and fantastic finds and information that has not been released to common knowledge. I am starting to think that a lot of it is true. Even trying to figure out the flat Earth thing. 
     As with any other domesticated animals we have to be herded and corralled in a manner as to be controlled. I do not think 9 billion people can just run around doing whatever they want. That would be a disaster. But was everything that I thought about completely wrong? I certainly feel that a lot of it was. As I am not very smart and can easily be let astray. Kind of just makes you want to give up. 
     Everything from flat Earth, holes at the poles, Nazi's with flying saucers, all our tax returns going to England and the Vatican, aliens living in a hollow Earth, big companies wanting to have perpetual war. One percent of the population having 99 percent of the wealth. Too much for my tiny feeble brain. Did I have it all wrong? 
     The fact that my ability of being able to earn a living is getting worse every day. My work experience and education puts me a disadvantage in today's work market. It leaves me with a labor type job. I am told what to do and lift carry and place products. After several surgeries my body is letting me down. It is very frustrating to not be able to do the things I used to do. Even a simple eight hour shift of standing, walking and lifting thousands of pounds leaves me shot. And it is obvious that I do not have any modern marketable skills. 
     So if i could maybe i should just get picked up by a flying saucer and get dropped of at one of the ends of this flat Earth and jump off. Trouble is I could not get over the ice wall that is stopping us from getting to the other planets that do not exist. So I am stuck again. Even if I had some of the worthless money it would not help.