Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The World Is So Big And We Are So Small

     From our birth most people are taught and to basically believe how important as individuals that we are. Special you know. To that there is some merit. But in reality it is a dream world that keeps us going. To strive for better and keep going. It fuels modern western civilization. For cultures it is like looking after the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves. 
     But the fact that the planet of Earth now has over nine billion people it is kind of hard to justify that thought pattern. The modern age has helped put this thought pattern in our minds.  As we all have accounts, addresses, phone numbers etc. All ways of tracking our moves and predicting the future of the patterns of behavior for credit ratings, career and general actions though out ones life. 
     So the collection, storage and ability to reference this information has to be a really large industry. Even though all through the past history there happens to be some information base to which we a fed "facts" about people from hundreds and even thousands of years before. Or is it just a nice story that is delivered in a fashion that makes it all so believable. 
     Watching some videos about railroads a few days past it is apparent that transportation systems, food production, clothing, shelter and just about every thing you can think of is set up to deal with a massive scale. As we are herded just like any other beast of burden. All the while feeling warm and fuzzy thinking that we are a special entity and the entire world will some how miss a beat in the event that we do not do, or do something. And our demise and/or death would certainly throw a wrench in the entire system of civilization and humanity as a whole.
     A long time ago someone has their fifteen minutes of fame. And I guess that is if you are famous or perceived as important. When the fact of the matter most of us are only taking up space and using resources. Why do you think the government many years ago coined the term consumers. That just spells it out.