Sunday, May 21, 2017

We Always Think We Are Modern

     Every generation of mankind has always felt that they were modern. Modern means of or pertaining to or characteristic of recent times or the present. In that light they were in fact modern. In that light every generation of mankind truly is modern. As it pertains to the here and now or of recent times. 
     I enjoy watching old movies and TV shows. Not only for their content but also the contrast of the here and now. Most of us think of the early part of the twentieth century to be ancient times. But in the urban areas they had a lot of technology that we have and use today. Plumbing, electricity, skyscrapers, electric rail public transportation including subways, really precise items and the such. If you take in account of construction of bridges and building they used a lot of steel and a lot of that infrastructure is still in use today. The fact that they did not have computer or satellite technology really proves that these people were very skilled engineers. Most power assistance was from steam. If you look at the old factories a common axle driven by steam was ran by a belt to particular machines for a power source. The products produced were often of the highest quality that would be hard to reproduce even today. 
     So at any given time we are modern. Even if that may mean that we are not as advanced or skilled as a previous generation. Who at their given time were modern at that era. We think that we are modern and skilled. But in reality we are probably some of the most unskilled and lethargic generation that has ever existed. I hate to be the one breaking the bad news but clutching a smart phone and having the ability to eat prepared food does not make you skilled. And if your skill set contains a great ability to be clever enough to find a way not to do something you are quite modern by today's standards.
     The ancient societies were modern as well. If you think about all the engineering marvels they created. And we assume that they did not have some sort of machinery to help them. But let's say that they did. Maybe they did. And perhaps cell phones too. Then they evolved into what plunged the world into what was known as The Dark Ages. And we may be again on the verge of another Dark Ages as history does repeat itself. 
     Interesting enough this morning on the History Channel (actually a new show I think) was about Medieval times. Our common thoughts is that they were dirty and just unorganized is not true at all. They did build all those castles didn't they. They were civilized then as the Europeans are today. This was a good documentary covering things from agriculture, medicine, housing, clothing, warfare, food and many other aspects of daily life. Very good, I suggest watching it if they ever show it again instead of American Pickers all day long. 
     So by definition we are only are modern as the hour. And I feel that we do not possess the skills that other generations have had in the past. That does include myself. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Producing Necessities

     How can a country expect to be independent and in the event of a war think they can survive if they are unable to produce necessities. Let's say a country used to produce virtually everything that they needed domestically and even export a great deal to other markets. This contributes to a good economy and most importantly security. As in the event of some disaster the country can stand on it's own two feet. 
     Fast forward to a time when a country depends on imports for nearly if not all day to day necessities. Food, clothing, footwear, appliances, tools, machines, raw material of all sort etc. If the situation would arise that a supply line would be cut off or the country no longer has the resources (money) to pay for them they would be up a creek without a paddle. 
     If that country would find themselves in that situation there would be a number of factors that would make it impossible to recover in a short term. 
     First would be skilled labor. Someone who knows how to make a finished product. Let's say shoes and clothes. When is the last time you bought either made in the United States?  Let us say that right now today the United States could not get shoes or clothes imported. Is there even any factories around to make them in? Is there anyone who has the skill to use the machines in the factories if there is any machines to run? Is there an infrastructure in place to provide the raw materials? Most of the shoes made in the past twenty five years cannot be repaired. But can you find anyone who could repair them if they could be?
     Electrical appliances such as computers and TVs have been imported for a long time now. Kitchen appliances for the most part were still produced in the USA. Now even they are more and more becoming imported. Automobiles, farm and construction equipment are also now imported more. As is steel. As most of the steel mills have closed. Do you think China would lend us some steel if we were not on good terms with them? There is no app that you can download to your smart phone that will stop an AK-47. Or that will produce food and clothes. 
     Was it the laziness or the workers or the greed of the factory owners that caused the demise of American industry. Or both. Factory work and transportation of products amounted to the majority of jobs by the main breadwinner of households. Service and retail jobs were secondary. Now we are seeing the demise of retail as well. Yes online retailing has made a big difference as well. But as a whole the wealth of the nation is drying up as well as the so called middle class. I believe that the middle class was just an extension of the lower class. Although the system gave them the opportunity to live a comfortable life. Through worker benefits and saving/pension plans. 
     Unfortunately the old middle class for the most part is having the hardest time adapting to the new economy. And recent immigrants seem to be profiting more do to their keep and enterprising ways. Leaving the people who came up in working class families floundering and exhausting what wealth is left if any.
     To top it off the medical system is a wreck as well. I still feel that the only way to fix the medical system is to have a national basic plan free of charge to everyone. This would include basic health checks and hospitalization. Of course not cosmetic or something that is not really needed. This would be hard to pull off as the massive confusing insurance structure in place now would displace many in the work place as well. 
     We are moving to a point of no return. We do not make the basic necessities and are running out of money. The United States will be if not already is a third world country. The educational system is not adequate as well. High schools in the United States used to provide students will knowledge and skills that allowed them to smoothly more into the work force. People that were going to be professionals such as doctors, engineers, attorneys etc went to college. Everybody does not need to go to college. 
     Working in retail I see a pretty good cross section of the population. For the most part most people do not seem to be happy. The happiest people seem to be the immigrants and refugees. Is it because this country is so much better then were they were or is it that they are receiving benefits that the native population are struggling to hold on to or even get? Bet it is. People whose families have lived in this country for generations, built the systems that made the country great, built all the infrastructure, paid the bills, fought the wars, had some sense of decency are just sputtering out. There will not be much wealth left except for the very rich. And they do not care. That is until their little worlds become undone. 
     In a couple of years this country will be about dead. And any attempt to revive it has been met with fierce objection in the name of discrimination and not being politically correct. We can just keep on playing with our smart phones until we can no longer pay the bill. Dress in rags. Which some of us already do. Eat take out pizza and get fat and fizzle completely out.