Thursday, March 2, 2017

Staying At A Job You Hate

      It said that about seventy percent of Americans hate their job. That is quite a bit. So why do they stay on? Fear of loosing everything is the biggest reason. Where are you going to go to get the wages, medical benefits, vacation and the security on not having to face the unknown?
     Thing of it is as you hate your job your employer may hate you at the same time. You don't really notice it at first. Just little digs. Then a little worse schedule. Little things all of a sudden you are doing wrong. The tasks you have been performing for years aren't up to par. Head games.  
      Maybe you just think that you are getting hassled. Maybe you are doing things wrong. And have been for a long time. It is very uncomfortable to go in to work and not think about just doing your job but to worry about what you think you are going to mess up today. That feeling just snowballs.
     The big thing that America needs to work on is health care. Checking on plans available through the Affordable Care Act putting in zero income the lowest priced plan was $632 a month paying only fifty percent of treatments and $6500 out of pocket. Plus did not qualify for Medicaid. That is with zero income. And if you look for a price on the Internet you will be bombarded with phone calls all day. So if you quit be prepared for a wild ride on health care. And if you get another job you are probably looking at a year to qualify for insurance through a company. I used to be ninety days. If you had a prescription plan figure on the cost going up six times.
     The other thing and important is wages. You can generally go back to work at an old job. But it is starting from scratch again. So you will be a newby again and have no benefits, probably part time. So all the time you put in before is history. Starting out just like that twenty year old getting a first job. You may not be able to get unpaid time off. 
    So that exit on your part may cause a bit of inconvenience for your employer for a short term. But nothing in comparison to your personal inconvenience. And grief. There will not be a crowd in your court. Others will agree with management and say the place is better without you. It will not be on the five o'clock news. The business will not close. Nothing. Except what you are having to deal with personally. Try to work out issues with your manager or human resources department. If it continues keep your cool and do what you can and let them fire you. Then you may have a shot at unemployment compensation. Do not let them bully you. Just do your best. Because your leaving will only lower the operating cost of the company and make your own life miserable.


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