Thursday, February 16, 2017

Don't Let Your Emotions Cause You To Make A Dumb Move

     Just the other week I had a really stressful time. My nerves and anxiety were at the top. Normally I can keep a cool head. But I was wound out. So I just walked out of my job in front of about five managers. Taking something personal that was not intended to be personal that I have been through many, many times. 
     After being in the position for nine years I was finally at a wage to squeak by paying everything ahead and a couple of bucks left. I had three weeks vacation, sick pay and health, dental, vision and disability insurance. All of which I apparently flushed down the commode. 
     I called back the next morning and they said it would be up to the district manager to decide if I could come back. I was told that I would get a call. I never did. Picked a bad time to have a panic attack. After about a week I was told that I am out. All those years of really hard and I mean hard work down the drain. I have pretty much exhausted all measures to come back. Told that I could come back in a year if I did not cash my company stock. If I did, never. 
     So here I sit looking for a job. Competing with a lot of people. Almost sixty years old without insurance. There have been a lot of trouble in my department. I just left myself open to be the poster child of foolishness. 
     I must say that my job was hard work. Physically and mentally. I started out part time at $9 an hour getting ten and fifteen cent raises because of the bad economy. The hours could be horrible. Leaving at 11:30 at night having to be back at 6:00 the next morning. I would come home every day tired, filthy and burnt by cooking oil. I would ruin a pair of shoes every month. The bosses would ride you constantly. And a lot of the customers could be horrible. But all in all it was a job. As I tend to worry way too much about things I would probably have never got fired or laid off. Just come home half dead everyday. 
     I guess that is part of it though. I had one of the worst jobs in the store and tried to get transferred to a different department.  Always told me they would sometime. 
     So the next time you get upset about work count to ten. Go to the restroom. And do not assume that you are fireproof. Because you are not. I am not a job jumper. These things do not bother jumpers because they never last long enough to get all the bennies. 
     If the rate that if took me to acquire the pay and benefits that I had I would be almost seventy years old. The job was withing walking or bicycle distance. I would be almost physically dead when I got off. And mentally beat up too. So maybe it will be a good thing. 
     In my evaluations I usually got high scores. But the comments always pointed out short comings. Not the extras you do. So I am dead in the water with that company. With a big red stamp saying idiot on it. 
     So if you have any time invested in a job. Finally make a living wage, insurance and time off think before you do anything rash. There are plenty of people out there who will come on at a low wage with no benefits that will work a month or two and quit. Companies do not care or will not know about the extras that you may have done. Which is not considered extras just part of your job. Even if no one else would do it. 
     Remember the old saying. You may win the battle but not the war. 

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