Thursday, December 28, 2017

Watching Some Strange Things On YouTube

     The last couple of weeks I have been watching some strange things on YouTube. And a lot of it makes sense. To the point which makes me look at my thoughts, actions and beliefs of the past. And it all falls in line with the way people behave and the moves they make. 
     There are a lot of things going on that we (me) did not think of and certainly would not be thinking of during the past. First of all most of the things I thought was important was not and just a diversion for a small mind. The material things. Thoughts about who was and who is an "enemy". The fact that our money is worthless and now being replaced by cards. The fact that every move you make is monitored or you believe it is monitored. That the future is hopeless. 
     Let's face it. It just not seem like the majority of people are happy.    
     People are at odds with each other in a worse way than I can remember in my life. We have all been pigeon holed into little stereotypical groups where we act as we a supposed to act. Almost cliche'. And i feel that my personal value is nil. I feel terrible physically. Starting to think that everything that I have done was stupid and would really just like to go to bed and never wake up. 
     Somehow I stumbled upon the Antarctica exploration when looking up thing on aviation. Then it led to theories of deceit and fantastic finds and information that has not been released to common knowledge. I am starting to think that a lot of it is true. Even trying to figure out the flat Earth thing. 
     As with any other domesticated animals we have to be herded and corralled in a manner as to be controlled. I do not think 9 billion people can just run around doing whatever they want. That would be a disaster. But was everything that I thought about completely wrong? I certainly feel that a lot of it was. As I am not very smart and can easily be let astray. Kind of just makes you want to give up. 
     Everything from flat Earth, holes at the poles, Nazi's with flying saucers, all our tax returns going to England and the Vatican, aliens living in a hollow Earth, big companies wanting to have perpetual war. One percent of the population having 99 percent of the wealth. Too much for my tiny feeble brain. Did I have it all wrong? 
     The fact that my ability of being able to earn a living is getting worse every day. My work experience and education puts me a disadvantage in today's work market. It leaves me with a labor type job. I am told what to do and lift carry and place products. After several surgeries my body is letting me down. It is very frustrating to not be able to do the things I used to do. Even a simple eight hour shift of standing, walking and lifting thousands of pounds leaves me shot. And it is obvious that I do not have any modern marketable skills. 
     So if i could maybe i should just get picked up by a flying saucer and get dropped of at one of the ends of this flat Earth and jump off. Trouble is I could not get over the ice wall that is stopping us from getting to the other planets that do not exist. So I am stuck again. Even if I had some of the worthless money it would not help. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Smoke Comin' Out

     With spare time on my hands and not much on the limited TV programs I have available I have been watching a lot of old documentaries on You Tube. These films range from the turn of the twentieth century up till the sixties. This is a great big range covering a lot of territory. Even though these times included bad working conditions, industrial captains, world wars, depression, nuclear weapons, huge technical changes. This time also includes what many people think of as the good old days. 
     The reason I am calling this post Smoke Comin' Out as this is a common denominator in this time frame. Smoke was coming out of industry, trains, cars, planes, houses, buildings and people too. This time period also includes the creation or development of what we are now calling and has been called for years the middle class. This Holy Grail that everybody wants and seems so elusive these days. 
     We all want these "Leave It To Beaver" lives. Dad works at some obscure office and never drags a bad day home to the pretty wife who takes care of the home front. A nice middle class neighborhood, house and car. The common appliances of the day. Not too much but not lacking as well. Weekends at home and enough money to have the right stuff but not too excessive. Thrifty but all the right bases without any seemingly bad habits. 
     While these were the role models and goals life wasn't always so innocent. But for the most part people long for these days. Even if any day would be a nuclear bomb dropped on you at any time. Manufacturing jobs were nearly always available and resources were cheap. Without skipping to the beginning and the start of the end of the middle class I will go back to the beginning of the twentieth century as I gathered through the films. 
     The beginning of the twentieth century seen the United States with probably a majority living in rural or small towns. Although a lot of cities were growing rapidly with immigrants from Europe and other locations. Since the end of the American Civil War the Industrial Revolution was in motion as well. In my opinion it is remarkable to see the items that were produced in that time period. As most of us were brainwashed to think that The US after The Civil War was just everybody playing cowboy and Indians. In my opinion this was a time of a great advancement in manufacturing and technology. 
     At the beginning of this century working conditions were rough and not even conceivable by today's standards. Most of the working class could expect to live to their forties or fifties. The hours were long and hard. When labor laws were introduced working conditions improved. Although it was very much work. 
     After the Spanish-American War in 1898 the US sort of took on a world standing. During the First World War The US was a late player and profited greatly though sales to the warring factors. Although after the war there was an economic recession and it smoothed out around 1920. 
     Technology was really moving at this time. A major change was a shift to consumer products. As companies had factories producing items, new items that could be used in the individual home. Automobiles were also a very large player at this time. Both the autos and consumer items were available through another new thing. Consumer credit. Almost all the new items were purchased on credit. But it was OK because you could just take it out of your check every week. The Eighties and Twenties have a lot of similarities to me.The Roaring Twenties. Until the Stock Market failed along with banks. People were wiped out. Out of jobs, homes, money and food. 
     During the 1930s a socialization program got things going again. Although many of the rich were still rich as they always were. The lower working classes took on the brunt of the tragedy. The 1930s was smoothing out with a recession or two. Take some time to look at the movies of the old factories from the 1910s till the 1940s. These people worked hard. And for the most part were glad to do so. 
     World War II is probably the ending factor of The Depression. The whole nation was working and doing an all out effort. Which I do not think could be accomplished today. So you have a generation that grew up from the prosperity  in the 1920s, to depression in the 1930s to war in the 1940s. 
     Even though the 1930s were rough a lot of technical milestones were achieved. Mass production and automation was coming of age. As most people had left the family farms they got jobs at factories. Which were again focusing on consumer products. The suburbs were expanded to not only include the wealthy but this new middle class. You know. You have a little house with water and electricity, refrigeration, washer and dryer, stove and furnace. You were hitting. Again, you are no longer poor but middle class. Maybe even with an office job. Everything cool with smoke comin' out. 
     I think that the end of the middle class was starting as it was beginning. There was not a creation but a raising of the lower class. A better lifestyle for people that went through a lot. Although the US was not damaged as Europe and the rest of the world in WW 2. 
     Technology and overproduction was working these people out of a job. Layers of administration and labor were becoming unnecessary as machines could do this operation. But for a while it could be absorbed by companies making a lot of money. 
     When environmental awareness started happening people were starting to think twice about the resources and the impact of pollution as a by product. The party was really starting to end in the sixties but everybody just carried on. 
     So do not believe me. Check out these old films yourself.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The World Is So Big And We Are So Small

     From our birth most people are taught and to basically believe how important as individuals that we are. Special you know. To that there is some merit. But in reality it is a dream world that keeps us going. To strive for better and keep going. It fuels modern western civilization. For cultures it is like looking after the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves. 
     But the fact that the planet of Earth now has over nine billion people it is kind of hard to justify that thought pattern. The modern age has helped put this thought pattern in our minds.  As we all have accounts, addresses, phone numbers etc. All ways of tracking our moves and predicting the future of the patterns of behavior for credit ratings, career and general actions though out ones life. 
     So the collection, storage and ability to reference this information has to be a really large industry. Even though all through the past history there happens to be some information base to which we a fed "facts" about people from hundreds and even thousands of years before. Or is it just a nice story that is delivered in a fashion that makes it all so believable. 
     Watching some videos about railroads a few days past it is apparent that transportation systems, food production, clothing, shelter and just about every thing you can think of is set up to deal with a massive scale. As we are herded just like any other beast of burden. All the while feeling warm and fuzzy thinking that we are a special entity and the entire world will some how miss a beat in the event that we do not do, or do something. And our demise and/or death would certainly throw a wrench in the entire system of civilization and humanity as a whole.
     A long time ago someone has their fifteen minutes of fame. And I guess that is if you are famous or perceived as important. When the fact of the matter most of us are only taking up space and using resources. Why do you think the government many years ago coined the term consumers. That just spells it out.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

As A Country And A World We Need To Get It Together

     You know as a country and as a world we need to get it together. Getting it together is an old 60s or 70s term I guess. But I feel that it is appropriate in this instance. 
     As a world we all have a pretty good chance of having a good or decent life. Sure, we may not be the big stars or the very wealthy. But have the opportunity to live a life that could not even be achieved by the very wealthy centuries ago. So why is everyone so uptight (another 60s or 70s term)?
     Most of the population live an easier life than the majority did years ago. Life is not the struggle it was. Almost everyone has food, shelter, clothing and relative safety. So why do we have so many acts of violence because someone is upset about something. Some where, some how someone is making a lot of profit from the unrest and violence. Or it would not exist. If you look at history in most every instance someone is standing to make a profit from their actions. Otherwise they would not perform such actions. Who is it?
     The news media seems to have a heyday when something goes wrong. There they are, sifting through all the pieces and stirring up trouble. Controversy is why sells news. Who is profiting from this?
     An old adage is to divide and conquer. So who is dividing and trying to conquer us? This is the person or persons that we need to seek out and deal with. Somewhere along the line they are the culprit behind all the unrest and violence as they are profiting in some manner from it. Otherwise they would not do it. 
     99.9% of the population was never royalty or very wealthy. So maybe someone in that .1 % is at it. Or some rising star who is behind this. Whoever it is must be found and stopped. 
     Our nation and all the nations of the world need to get together and stop it now. We need to stand up to the threat and stop it now. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

Old Vintage Wristwatches

     For several months now I have been completely obsessed with watches. It started I think when I received a box of old wristwatches. Most were complete junk but there were a few diamonds in the rough. OK I clean up a couple of old watches, put in a new battery and suddenly I am a watchmaker!
    After quitting my last job, which should of been my last job (meaning I should have stayed and eat all the crow) I now wear a wristwatch. At my old job a wristwatch was prohibited as it was in food service. Always being a watch nut or perhaps just a very time oriented person I carried a pocket watch to work. My grandfather's old 1916 Elgin or a $12 Walmart Special. Some time in those nine years a bought a Charles Hurbert of Paris manual wind pocket watch. I wanted a manual wind because you never know when there may be an EMP or Electo Magnetic Pulse. Stopping all electrical devises leaving me not knowing what time it is. The Charles Hubert turned out to be a very bad choice. It looked so good when new and had some heft to it. Plus a lee through crystal to watch it run. Two trips back to the seller under warranty paying about $20 finished that off for me. It was a $130 watch and I recently sold on ebay for $5 as parts or repair. Going back to the 100 year old Elgin or the Walmart wonder.
     Not being of sound mind or body and being  free of a job and income I went on a watch kick. Still on one. First I bought a couple of old Timex Indiglo. If you remember on an older post I spoke of a couple of no name brand Rolex watches I destroyed out of ignorance. So I have stuck to the better brands like Timex, Casio and a few Seiko watches I have had since the eighties. 
     As I am going through that old box of watches I remembered that I had an old box of watches I got in the sixties. Realizing why they were in the box was that they did not run. I read that most mechanical watches quit running because they are dirty. So making two watches out of three got them running. I soaked them in rubbing alcohol, set them out in the sun on a paper towel. They started running. Simple is better sometimes. 
     Heretofore of this kick I would just wear a $10 Casio F91-W. I also had a G Shock that needed a band. Bands for G Shocks are expensive. So the G shock is looking new again. I had two old Seiko quartz watches that had not seen sunlight since Bill Clinton was President. Put a battery in each one and they started working. One is an automatic mechanical Seiko 5. At least 20 years old, works like a charm. I also had a 1953 Bulova. Runs well after a service in 1982.
     So I am thinking that I am not going to get a job that I have to wear a hairnet and not wear a wristwatch. And I need a new watch. So getting a Casio Diver, best diver watch for the money. But not so good on a skinny wrist as it was about 45mm wide. Next move. Seiko 5 SNK-809, best low priced automatic watch $185 retail, $55 on ebay. Need that. Was a nice watch, looked good on a NATO or leather strap as well. I guess this is where it should have stopped. But I needed a dress watch as well. You know, something to wear to the doctor's office or Walmart. Which is about as far as I go now. Again after hours of researching on the Internet these where all best in class according to all the watch pundits on line and youtube. They must have been correct or at least convincing as all were sold on ebay washing out of what I paid for them. 
     OK since I am an unemployed chicken fryer I need to kick it up a notch here. Of all the different brands out there we went for a Citizen Eco-Drive. A do everything I need to do watch, even water resistant to 100 meters. Need that you know. It even fit my skinny wrist and with a nice Hadley-Roma brand leather band dressy enough for a doctor's office or Walmart. 
     So getting another job that I could wear a watch another need developed. Don't want to scratch up that nice new Citizen so one of those beater watches they talk about seemed necessary. I always wanted one of those LL Bean watches since the eighties. Don't know why I never got one so that would be the answer. One of those field watch types. Since I am in the field so much. Many LL Bean watches were made by the Hamilton Watch Company. In boredom I got on a Hamilton kick. A really interesting thing if you are into such things. It seems their automatic field watch was the deal being Swiss Made and with an ETA movement you know. For months of being torn between the automatic version or the manual wind one I was completely obsessed. So I break down and get the automatic one. A real nice leather band which finding out was about $175 to replace put it on a stainless steel bracelet. This watch was worn outside of the house about three times. Definitely did not want to beat this one up at work. Although all the girls and guys would ooh and ah over this one. Not really. Unless they are a WIS (watch idiot savant) which is what I have become on top of all the other social deficiencies. Being careful however is not too bad if you just are able to get out of your purchases. Admitting that there was buyer's remorse before even getting the Hamilton in the mail. Again getting luck was able to sell it and get back everything but the stainless steel band. I did however was styling in my jamies with that Hammy. 
     After being able to get a couple of old Timex pieces going again and able to change a few batteries you are almost a watch maker. Unfortunately the Hamilton thing has not went away. Kind of like herpes or the chicken pocks. In the long run it is still better than drinking or drugs but addicting as well. 
      Digging into it more Hamilton was right up there with the best until the 1960s. The Hamilton Watch Company had a very interesting history. Being the watch of choice for the railroads in the United States. The primary supplier of watches and chronometers for the military from World War I, II, Korea, Viet Nam until around the 1990s. They have a very interesting film made in 1948 showing there production facilities in Lancaster PA. They were the state of the art manufacturer of mass produced watches. If you take the retail prices of their pieces from the 1930s till the 1960s it would equate to $900 plus in today's dollars. Hamilton even had a refinery on the premises to produce watch oil. Every piece of the watch was made at the site making it a true in house watch. Which is something the pundits rave about. 
     So I have been fooling around with their vintage watches being mostly reasonable in price. Amazingly robust as the one I wore to work today was made in 1941. When cleaning it there was no watchmaker's marks and the top of the back corner is worn through. 14K gold to boot. And is keeping perfect time for a mechanical watch . Which is considered good at plus or minus 15 seconds a day. The diversity of Hamilton's products was unreal. In 1935 a $50 watch would be $894.00 today and a $3000 platinum with diamonds model would be $53,639.70! Quite a bit when most working people made $30 to $50 a week. Just proving like today even with a weak economy the rich are still rich. 
     In the last few weeks the collection has been thinned out, hopefully getting down to a reasonable level and still be fun. Another thing for a nerd to do without bothering anyone. Just don't jump from changing batteries and cleaning a Timex to taking apart a vintage or even modern automatic watch. There is a lot of parts and do not attempt any repairs without knowing that you will not be successful. Chances are you will not be.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

We Always Think We Are Modern

     Every generation of mankind has always felt that they were modern. Modern means of or pertaining to or characteristic of recent times or the present. In that light they were in fact modern. In that light every generation of mankind truly is modern. As it pertains to the here and now or of recent times. 
     I enjoy watching old movies and TV shows. Not only for their content but also the contrast of the here and now. Most of us think of the early part of the twentieth century to be ancient times. But in the urban areas they had a lot of technology that we have and use today. Plumbing, electricity, skyscrapers, electric rail public transportation including subways, really precise items and the such. If you take in account of construction of bridges and building they used a lot of steel and a lot of that infrastructure is still in use today. The fact that they did not have computer or satellite technology really proves that these people were very skilled engineers. Most power assistance was from steam. If you look at the old factories a common axle driven by steam was ran by a belt to particular machines for a power source. The products produced were often of the highest quality that would be hard to reproduce even today. 
     So at any given time we are modern. Even if that may mean that we are not as advanced or skilled as a previous generation. Who at their given time were modern at that era. We think that we are modern and skilled. But in reality we are probably some of the most unskilled and lethargic generation that has ever existed. I hate to be the one breaking the bad news but clutching a smart phone and having the ability to eat prepared food does not make you skilled. And if your skill set contains a great ability to be clever enough to find a way not to do something you are quite modern by today's standards.
     The ancient societies were modern as well. If you think about all the engineering marvels they created. And we assume that they did not have some sort of machinery to help them. But let's say that they did. Maybe they did. And perhaps cell phones too. Then they evolved into what plunged the world into what was known as The Dark Ages. And we may be again on the verge of another Dark Ages as history does repeat itself. 
     Interesting enough this morning on the History Channel (actually a new show I think) was about Medieval times. Our common thoughts is that they were dirty and just unorganized is not true at all. They did build all those castles didn't they. They were civilized then as the Europeans are today. This was a good documentary covering things from agriculture, medicine, housing, clothing, warfare, food and many other aspects of daily life. Very good, I suggest watching it if they ever show it again instead of American Pickers all day long. 
     So by definition we are only are modern as the hour. And I feel that we do not possess the skills that other generations have had in the past. That does include myself. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Producing Necessities

     How can a country expect to be independent and in the event of a war think they can survive if they are unable to produce necessities. Let's say a country used to produce virtually everything that they needed domestically and even export a great deal to other markets. This contributes to a good economy and most importantly security. As in the event of some disaster the country can stand on it's own two feet. 
     Fast forward to a time when a country depends on imports for nearly if not all day to day necessities. Food, clothing, footwear, appliances, tools, machines, raw material of all sort etc. If the situation would arise that a supply line would be cut off or the country no longer has the resources (money) to pay for them they would be up a creek without a paddle. 
     If that country would find themselves in that situation there would be a number of factors that would make it impossible to recover in a short term. 
     First would be skilled labor. Someone who knows how to make a finished product. Let's say shoes and clothes. When is the last time you bought either made in the United States?  Let us say that right now today the United States could not get shoes or clothes imported. Is there even any factories around to make them in? Is there anyone who has the skill to use the machines in the factories if there is any machines to run? Is there an infrastructure in place to provide the raw materials? Most of the shoes made in the past twenty five years cannot be repaired. But can you find anyone who could repair them if they could be?
     Electrical appliances such as computers and TVs have been imported for a long time now. Kitchen appliances for the most part were still produced in the USA. Now even they are more and more becoming imported. Automobiles, farm and construction equipment are also now imported more. As is steel. As most of the steel mills have closed. Do you think China would lend us some steel if we were not on good terms with them? There is no app that you can download to your smart phone that will stop an AK-47. Or that will produce food and clothes. 
     Was it the laziness or the workers or the greed of the factory owners that caused the demise of American industry. Or both. Factory work and transportation of products amounted to the majority of jobs by the main breadwinner of households. Service and retail jobs were secondary. Now we are seeing the demise of retail as well. Yes online retailing has made a big difference as well. But as a whole the wealth of the nation is drying up as well as the so called middle class. I believe that the middle class was just an extension of the lower class. Although the system gave them the opportunity to live a comfortable life. Through worker benefits and saving/pension plans. 
     Unfortunately the old middle class for the most part is having the hardest time adapting to the new economy. And recent immigrants seem to be profiting more do to their keep and enterprising ways. Leaving the people who came up in working class families floundering and exhausting what wealth is left if any.
     To top it off the medical system is a wreck as well. I still feel that the only way to fix the medical system is to have a national basic plan free of charge to everyone. This would include basic health checks and hospitalization. Of course not cosmetic or something that is not really needed. This would be hard to pull off as the massive confusing insurance structure in place now would displace many in the work place as well. 
     We are moving to a point of no return. We do not make the basic necessities and are running out of money. The United States will be if not already is a third world country. The educational system is not adequate as well. High schools in the United States used to provide students will knowledge and skills that allowed them to smoothly more into the work force. People that were going to be professionals such as doctors, engineers, attorneys etc went to college. Everybody does not need to go to college. 
     Working in retail I see a pretty good cross section of the population. For the most part most people do not seem to be happy. The happiest people seem to be the immigrants and refugees. Is it because this country is so much better then were they were or is it that they are receiving benefits that the native population are struggling to hold on to or even get? Bet it is. People whose families have lived in this country for generations, built the systems that made the country great, built all the infrastructure, paid the bills, fought the wars, had some sense of decency are just sputtering out. There will not be much wealth left except for the very rich. And they do not care. That is until their little worlds become undone. 
     In a couple of years this country will be about dead. And any attempt to revive it has been met with fierce objection in the name of discrimination and not being politically correct. We can just keep on playing with our smart phones until we can no longer pay the bill. Dress in rags. Which some of us already do. Eat take out pizza and get fat and fizzle completely out.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Should You Use Hot Or Cold Water While Doing Your Laundry

     I did a few posts a couple of years ago on laundry. It took a couple of weeks to complete and a little extra money out of pocket. 
     First variable was type of detergent. Dollar Store stuff. Mid level Purex type which I found for the most part is what the generic store brand stuff is similar to. Then the over priced Tide stuff. I really did not find much difference between them. Although using about twice as much of the Dollar Tree stuff. Did not get a noticeably better result with the high end stuff. Finding the middle of the road detergent the best value. 
     Water temperature is the other variable. Concluding that if I had to pay for the hot water and had a washer and dryer at home using cold water does just about as well. Only using hot water on very soiled clothes. And have found that hot water did not seem to make that much difference anyway. If you only have a small load of colors and whites cold water lets you get away with doing them together. Saving time. 
     As I use a coin laundry it doesn't make any difference in ultimate cost using hot, warm or cold water. But again a small load with any color and white saves time and money as well. 
     A coin laundry is good for experiments as you can use multiple machines if they are available. Today I did a load of colors in cold. Black work pants in warm. Then some white clothes in hot. I hand washed the white clothes due to getting some grease on a sleeve of a shirt and soaked the whites in dish soap and bleach. So they came out real clean, but the washing by hand beforehand made the difference I suppose. 
     So unless you have something that isn't colorfast or just dyed you should be able to wash everything together in cold water. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Revenge Of The Nerds

     The other morning I had the opportunity to see the movie Revenge of the Nerds. Kind of a shrine to nerds like me. If you get a chance to see it check it out. I haven't seen it for thirty years and it was great. Nice to see something different on TV for a change. Almost brought tears to my eyes when I wasn't laughing.

Made In Japan

      Japan isn't in the US news all the time like it used to be. In the 1980s people thought that Japan was going to buy all the real estate in the United States. Japan was producing (and still does) some of the highest quality consumer products. Although every category has a best of the best made in limited quantities and very expensive Japan produces a very high quality product that has a more affordable price. 
     Automobiles made in Japan started getting big in the 1970s. Today they produce some of the finest automobiles in the world. Turn back the clock to the seventies. American cars were big heavy sleds that got terrible fuel economy and some quality of manufacture issues. The Japanese autos of that time were simple, reliable, got good fuel economy and less expensive. People of my generation started buying them. Now after forty years they dominate the market. Even the American companies were putting their brand on Mazda, Toyota, Isuzu, and Mitsubishi products. 
     Consumer electronics were also dominated by Japan made products. Being a budding audiophile Japanese products were and are my go to components. This is old school as the smart phone is a do all including music reproduction as well. But all my stereo equipment is Japanese. In brand name anyway. As in the late eighties and nineties they shifted production to Korea and later China. The Sony Trinitron was the benchmark television. It used to be Curtis Mathis for the US back in the day. 
     Bicycles of Continental Europe, England and America used to rule. My first Schwinn was a 1974 LeTour model. It said Schwinn on it but in tiny letters approved. Every part said Schwinn approved. It was made by Panasonic. Who makes everything on Earth. I have a Panasonic turn table ( for vinyl records youngsters). I gave it away in a weak moment a couple of years ago and the thing probably had ten thousand miles on it and worked perfect. Japan produced many brands of bikes in the 1970s and 80s. Many for house brands of department stores like Sears and Penny's. Now only the most expensive bicycles are not made in Taiwan or China. 
     Swiss watches had and are the most expensive and most desired. But Japan makes give them a good run for their money. Citizen and Seiko being two of the largest producers of watches. Citizen bought old American brand Bulova.  Now only the top line Japanese watches are made in Japan and not elsewhere. And the ones made in Japan proper are very desirable. In a previous post I wrote about Casio. Also Japanese and now most produced off the Japanese islands. The majority of my watches are Japanese. 
     Just about anything that Japan attempts it excels in. Made in Japan means quality. Not to start any problems but it is true. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Loosing Your Ball And Chain

     We all have a ball and chain. If you do not know what a ball and chain is it is huge iron ball on a thick chain attached to your ankle with a thick metal bracelet. An obvious impediment on mobility. Not to mention painful. Hence the term"ball and chain".
     So what is your ball and chain or chains? Is it a house payment? A car payment? Credit cards? Medical bills? Medical problems?  Job or lack there of? Bad relationship?
     Unfortunately we will always have some kind of ball and chain. No matter how big or small of one. There are ways to minimize your ball and chain. Do not do anything against the law. Do your job as best you can. Try to live and eat healthy. Obey traffic laws when driving. Do not offend anyone. Try to stay happy. I know that I can get on these erg to splurge. Then get buyers remorse. I have done it time and again. Taking the time to separate a need from a want will make you feel better in the long run. 

Health Care In The United States Needs To Be Socialized

      Most all first world countries have a form of socialized medicine. The last time I posted on this subject it did not get much response. I feel that now Congress is working on a national health plan it would be a good time to bring it up again. 
     Since the decline of the economy that became the norm after World War 2 we need to rethink the whole picture. The rise of the middle class as it is called is really a rise of the lower class. As the country moved away from family farms and working for someone else in an industry the economic structure changed. 
     When people lived on family farms from forty to several hundred acres they were more self sufficient. Of course they did not produce everything they needed but most. Any over production of crops could be sold as a cash generator to handle expenses and taxes. 
     As the industrial age came about more and more people moved to cities to work at these jobs. The original factories were terrible and dangerous to work at. Long hours and no benefits. The owners got really rich and the workers made wages and died young. 
     From what I can gather consumer credit got it's start in the 1920's. This let the manufacturer create a new market for the products that they built and sold. As the people for the most part could not come up with the money to purchase them. The 1920's was a more modern period than most of us would think. A great rise in technology. Homes in urban areas had indoor plumbing, electricity, central heating and appliances similar to today. Everything was fine and dandy until the Stock Market crash of 1929. As a lot of lower class people had money invested they lost out big time. The companies that they worked for could no longer sell their products. Everything came to a halt. For the most part the mega rich came through fine. 
     For the period of the thirties till World War 2 the United States got socialized. Gold was taken from the public and most people relied upon the Federal Government for aid. Tons and tons of programs. Some positive results were public works programs which modernized the infrastructure of the United States and stimulated the economy as well. 
     World War 2 came along and the factories were very busy producing war material. The majority of able men and women were enlisted into the military service. While people on the home front got all the work they could handle and more. Watching a lot of old films on TV it did not seem the home life was impacted a great deal. Or perhaps that was a propaganda thing. The United States did not have all the destruction that the other countries had. Whole cities destroyed etc. 
     The war is over and you have all these people returning home. A good film to watch about the is The Best Years Of Our Lives. It demonstrates what a lot of people went through after returning from war. The factories shift from war to consumer products again. With all this fresh technology from the war and some things that they had but did not push. like television. There were televisions in the early 1930's. 
     So factories and businesses starting coming up with pensions, health insurance, stock options and other incentives to keep employees. A person could start a job and work there for thirty years and retire. People did not live as long as they do now. So retirement benefits and Social Security Benefits did not end up paying out as much. 
     Through the seventies and eighties the economy was cooling off as the production exceeded the demand. Also the fact that imports were dominating the market offering a better product for a lower price in many instances. In the late eighties and nineties technology and service industries propped things up again. As there was a shift from producing manufactured goods. 
     Fast forward to today. The landscape is dotted with gas stations on every corner. Medical facilities and retail stores full of the same Chinese junk. Nearly all of the clothing and shoes are imported. Five grocery stores in a mile radius. With all this competition for the same dollar employers are not able to offer all the bennies that our fathers, mothers and grandparents enjoyed. There is no longer dad has a job and mom stays at home thing. Your job is for now and probably not thirty years. 
     That is why a decent socialized medical plan is needed. Rent is going through the roof as investors are buying houses to rent. The last of the retirement with company compensation generation is getting old and spending money to help their younger generations.
     As a nation we need to start to work on a universal medical plan that is available to everyone at no or a low cost. Also we need some sort of regulation on housing as the rich are taking advantage of the situation and getting much richer. The medical plan should include necessary service. A dental and eye program should be in force as well. The government offers these services to a lot of people now. So why not expand it. 
     Look at Medicare. It now covers 80% of costs forcing older people to purchase a supplemental plan. I think it was designed to cover everything originally. After recently checking personally for medical plans it is a nightmare. And that should be fixed. The European countries have seemed to be able to work something out. Why can't the United States.


Staying At A Job You Hate

      It said that about seventy percent of Americans hate their job. That is quite a bit. So why do they stay on? Fear of loosing everything is the biggest reason. Where are you going to go to get the wages, medical benefits, vacation and the security on not having to face the unknown?
     Thing of it is as you hate your job your employer may hate you at the same time. You don't really notice it at first. Just little digs. Then a little worse schedule. Little things all of a sudden you are doing wrong. The tasks you have been performing for years aren't up to par. Head games.  
      Maybe you just think that you are getting hassled. Maybe you are doing things wrong. And have been for a long time. It is very uncomfortable to go in to work and not think about just doing your job but to worry about what you think you are going to mess up today. That feeling just snowballs.
     The big thing that America needs to work on is health care. Checking on plans available through the Affordable Care Act putting in zero income the lowest priced plan was $632 a month paying only fifty percent of treatments and $6500 out of pocket. Plus did not qualify for Medicaid. That is with zero income. And if you look for a price on the Internet you will be bombarded with phone calls all day. So if you quit be prepared for a wild ride on health care. And if you get another job you are probably looking at a year to qualify for insurance through a company. I used to be ninety days. If you had a prescription plan figure on the cost going up six times.
     The other thing and important is wages. You can generally go back to work at an old job. But it is starting from scratch again. So you will be a newby again and have no benefits, probably part time. So all the time you put in before is history. Starting out just like that twenty year old getting a first job. You may not be able to get unpaid time off. 
    So that exit on your part may cause a bit of inconvenience for your employer for a short term. But nothing in comparison to your personal inconvenience. And grief. There will not be a crowd in your court. Others will agree with management and say the place is better without you. It will not be on the five o'clock news. The business will not close. Nothing. Except what you are having to deal with personally. Try to work out issues with your manager or human resources department. If it continues keep your cool and do what you can and let them fire you. Then you may have a shot at unemployment compensation. Do not let them bully you. Just do your best. Because your leaving will only lower the operating cost of the company and make your own life miserable.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Shaving With A Double Edge Razor Update

     After adding the Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor (MK23C) to my stable about four months ago I feel it it time for an update. I got this about the same time as a 1960 flair tip Gillette and a 1947 Gillette Tech gold tone. I also picked up a 1947 TTO (turn to open) Gillette Super Speed. I have a 1953 Super Speed and a 1956 Red Tip fat handle Gillette as well. 
     Until getting the Merkur and Tech at about the same time I had been using the '53 Super Speed most of the time. Along with the Red Tip. The Red Tip is more aggressive as a shaver designed for heavy beards. Which I do not really think I have. 
     There was something nice about getting that new Merkur out of the box as all the others were used. So nice and shiny. But that old Gillette Tech was nice too. So I used the Merkur a couple of times and after cleaning and sterilizing the Tech liked it. 
     The previous Gillette razors were all TTO (turn to open). Meaning you turn the handle on the bottom and doors open on top allowing you to add or change the blade. The Merkur and Tech are three piece razors. Meaning that you unscrew the handle and the head comes off in two pieces, making three. The very top piece has a threaded bold and the lower plate goes on the handle first. Put a blade in between the two top pieces screw down the handle and you are done. 
     As you really do not know until trying there is a difference in performance. The three piece razor has a thinner profile. It can be easily taken apart to clean. The thinner profile makes it easier to shave around say your nose for instance. The Tech is thinner than the Merkur. 
     The Merkur is not an aggressive shaver as such but more so than the Tech. It may also be the blades as the Merkur has been feed Wilkinson and my usual blades are Dorco bought in bulk. Maybe next time we can discuss blades.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Is Casio The Best Value In Wristwatches?

      As far as wristwatches go there are utterly thousands of choices. Not being completely well versed in the subject I will stick to my twisted mainstream opinions. So that will keep the well versed from having to point out mistakes on my part. Although pointing out my mistakes are welcome because that is how I will learn. 
     Now after spending countless hours looking at watches on the Internet I have came to some conclusions. Watches can be broken down to categories of luxury, tool, fashion, trendy, dress/classic and utility/digital. There will be gray areas in my explanation of these breakdowns. 
     Luxury watches are Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe, Omega, IWC, Zenith and a hundred other brands that I have never heard of of likely be able to pronounce. If you look on the Internet some models can cost $1,000,000. Can you imagine someone spending that much on a watch. So that $100 Seiko you been dreaming about is not stepping up to the pump. Just another example of the class difference I was talking about in a previous post a few days ago. Just how rich do you have to be that you have ran out of things to buy for a million dollars and spend it on a wristwatch. 
     The next category would be tool watches. An example would a divers watch. Not that fifty dollar Timex, but a real diver watch. These watches are certified a diving watch by a special organization. These watches are made to use under water and very deep at that. A true pilot's watch would be a tool watch as well. The one's with all the dials and buttons. These are usually a chronometer. Which means that they were also certified as such and very expensive. 
      Fashion watches can also be mixed in with trendy as well. These are the ones that are in style at some point in time. The fact that they are trendy means that they are fashionable now but will go out as soon as the next new thing hits. I think the jumbo watches that have been around for a couple of years are going out and you can notice the prices going down on the Internet. I guess that others like myself cannot see then wearing a wall clock with a bunch of fake dials on their skinny little wrists. The smart watch deals are the thing today. Who knows how long that will last. 
     The dress classic watches are the ones that never have and never will go out of style. They always will be around. These do not stand out as a specific duty type watch. Just a watch that can be worn with any clothes at any time. Not suited for any extreme purpose. Just tell time. If you look on ebay throughout time there have always been a trendy style of watch. However unless is is really something special the traditional styled watches get the most bids. An example of this type of watch would be my 1953 Bulova. Watches like this are never really in style or out, for sixty-four years. If you look on ebay these normal sized (small by today's standards) are the ones getting bids and being sold there. And bringing pretty good money. Not just Bulova, Hamilton and others classics. Timex too. 
     It started out a fashion and trend. The digital watch. The digital watch came out around 1974. With a red LED display. After a few years the LCD dark gray or black came in use. As they require less power. Casio got big on digital watches. These watches are what I call utility. Most tell time of day, am or pm, day and date. Some tell the month as well. Most have a stopwatch, alarm, and a light. Water resistant as well. These start at around fifteen dollars. 
     Timex makes digital and analogue watches as well. They have the Weekender and now many other models. Timex is still a USA based company although they are made around the world. They are a good value. They also have Indiglo technology for night reading. 
     Casio is most famous for the G Shock models. But they also make a great many analogue dress/casual watches. These retail for around twenty dollars and up and can be bought for a lot less on line. Most of their dress watches have a 3ATM water resistance (same as the twenty thousand dollar Patek Philippe). Many use a Miyota (Citizen movement) making them very accurate. The two that I have use a stainless steel case which has held up well. As with any watch if the band does not suit you it can be changed to your liking at very little cost. Casio has the most bang for the buck. Timex watches look like Timex watches. Saying hey, I'm cool I just wear a Timex. Unfortunately they have a lot of reviews saying they break and the stems fall out. The Casio just look nice and you would have to look at the face to see what band it is. I have not had one fail. That makes them the best value to me. If of course you pick out the non trendy classic style.  


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Mysteries On PBS Television

       It seems as if all the major cable TV stations are having difficulty coming up with new and fresh programming. Especially if you only watch a handful of channels. 
     Take the History Channel for instance. I do not think that they have had a fresh program on for years. SyFy runs the same movies constantly. FX and AMC does too. Turner classic movies is getting old too. No pun intended. 
     One has to think that he industry is in financial duress. As they are not producing any new programming. That is just with basic cable. Which I have to take to get internet. Even the expanded cable venues have a lot of repeats. With hundreds of channels you have to wonder how many people are employed by this industry. Thousands and thousands no doubt. 
     My favorite shows are available on over the air broadcast. I have eight PBS channels in my area. They offer a lot of programming diversity. Even channels for children. There are also a lot of other channels over the air as well. They repeat a lot of the same movies as well. About sixty channels are available over the air. 
      If you are so inclined the PBS channels carry a lot of BBC programming. Which I do like. Mostly the mysteries. Some of them set in the present day and others in the past. I like Father Brown, Midsummer Murders, Miss Fisher, Death In Paradise, Miss Marple and Scott and Bailey. There are also a lot of good drama series. 
      If you like arts and crafts, hobbies, cooking, home repair and travel PBS is for you. These channels can also be streamed on line if you do not live in an area with broadcast.
      Get off the cable and check out your broadcast choices.   

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Class Difference

     There is a class difference. There still is and probably always will be. I like to watch those PBS programs. A lot of them are English. They have those programs set back in times gone by. The upstairs and downstairs classes. It is almost unbelievable how those rich people lived. And all over the world I would say and even goes on today. 
     These people had servants to do everything for them. Cooked their food, took care of the house, grounds, drove, dressed and everything. It is hard to fathom in this day and age. Although it still exists surely. 
     The power and wealth that those people had is amazing. They would own hundreds of thousands of acres. Everyone living on that land working essentially for the lord. I really like those programs that show this history. 
     The houses are huge. Three or four stories. Marble floors, beautiful woodwork. Grand staircases, studies. A fireplace in every room. Stone out side with slate roofs. A lot of these homes were built in the 1500's and later. The craftsman that had to involved in the building of such places. Very highly skilled labor without all the modern devices that exist today. A library full of books. Full kitchen with a full staff. Many of them show copper cookware. Fine china dishes. It just doesn't end. All the workers had the appropriate uniforms.
      Most of the time these estates were working farms making them self sufficient. All the labor was right there. People who lived on site for generations. I guess it has always been up to the wealthy to let the poor exist. The game is still the same only the name changes. And when the population gets too thick a war is created to thin it out. Unfortunately World War I thinned out the masses too much. Not to mention the loss of the overseas gravy trains called colonies.  
     So the manor house style began to die after World War I. The Great Depression only served to polish most of them off. So the surviving ones today are doing what they can to stay afloat. Much less staff. Being tourist attractions etc. Plus selling off land. Some still working farms. 
     It is interesting to see the luxuries that the upper class had even in past times. Money and power get you a lot.