Back in the day when you got someone pregnant you had to marry them. It was called a shotgun wedding because the father came to you with a shotgun in hands and made you marry the girl taking responsibility of the child you were creating.
Fast forward to now days. The girls get pregnant. Go on welfare. Get section 8 housing, WIC for food, SNAP for luxury item food, medical care, free phone, and assistance with automobiles.
So we have created a Great Society of a welfare state making no one responsible for their own actions. The caveat is a big profit of getting a lot for nothing. Free sex, food, housing and medical care. Pretty good deal if you get a piece of the action.
With this mentality we have became decedent to a point of nearly no return. Young people come to my work place and are always tired and hurting. I ask "what are you going to do when you get my age?". They just look at me like a deer in the headlights.
There has been a total loss of responsibiity, pride, morality and physical health. We are a sick and tired nation.
When you are out and about look at the people around you. They are full of anxiety and lack of patience. In stark contrast to Paula Cole's 1996 song Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?. She all the says "I'll raise the kids and you pay all the bills". You know the old way that made America great. A family structure with everyone taking responsibility for their actions.
So as a nation we have lost all of the ability to make clothes, shoes, steel, consumer products and just about everything else. No one wants to work. The one's that are hate their jobs. The people are continuing to get more demanding because it is their right.
No one can say or do anything about it I guess. That would be politically incorrect. But a cow does not make ham. We have lost a grip on reality. As a society we have became weak and have a bad disposition. The demands put upon the people that are working are becoming beyond the pail.
We no longer have the skills to make clothes, shoes, steel, electronics, tools, energy (although when we did reach a point of being energy self sufficient the administration shut it down. When you have an administration that is against the American Way it takes it's toll. We are even selling off the Strategic Fuel Reserve. Which with cheap oil we should be filling up everything. Every tank, barrel and bucket. And no one thinks of energy conservation anymore. So stupid.
When George Bush was President he sent out a couple of economic stimulus to the people that actually worked. I received at least two checks for $600. Have you seen that with the present administration? No they are just catering to the people on freebies. For votes of course.
An industry that has been neglected is recycling. That could create a lot of jobs. But no one wants to work. When you get everything for free.
We need to bring back shotgun weddings.
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