I wish someone would tell me. I have a degree in Political Science and I am really on the verge of being about another civil war. First of all there has been an entire brain washing on both sides.
It used to be the parties were broken up between the supposed haves and have not. Big business. Union and workers. rich and poor.
Our society has successfully been divided into stereo types. All which fit into their own little pigeon holes and act as if they are like robots in their particular divisions. The best way to take over is to create a Malay. You have made enough confusion, division, hatred, fanaticism, violence, ambivalence, activism, desperation and ignorance to take control. The environment then lends itself to an easy takeover by people who really do not have your own best interest in mind.
The country as a whole has gotten weak. The systems that were created to end poverty and inequality have been abused. Making a huge burden on the government and society. I do not see that many people starving to death. Fact is I do not see that many people without a smart phone, car, computer, a place to live, TV, clothing, housing, electricity, plumbing or anything. So we are there. I guess we are the Great Society. Kind of.
But there seems to be more unhappiness and discontent. Why? Because we have been busted up as a society to be that way. Every one wants something for free. Live the good life. Do what ever they want. Why? Because we have had it beaten into our heads for years.
What ever happened to shotgun weddings? When I was young if you got a girl pregnant you had to marry her.
Can we ever go back to the "good old days"? Not as it was. But there has to be middle ground. Live and let live. But do not think that you have the right to do whatever you want. There are laws you know.
I do not care if you are white, black, Asian, purple or from Mars. Let us just be nice. People are dissatisfied when it has not been much better.
A big root cause was the economic situation in the late seventies and early eighties. High interest rates created an environment for a lot of small manufacturers to just close down and not have to deal with taxes and employees.
So if anyone has an answer please leave it in my comment section.
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