Sunday, October 18, 2015

Ronald Reagan

     As time goes on you start to reflect. What was your personal best times? Do you break it down into years? A decade perhaps. Do you break it down into who was President? Or was it your personal age? 
     I was born when Eisenhower was President. Then John F. Kennedy. Who was the first and only Irish Catholic President. Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and our currant President Barrack Obama.
     I have seen good times regardless of who is President. Because I really do not care. I was one of the six people who voted on Jimmy Carter in 1980. I liked him. How could you hate a President that rode around in a Plymouth Valarie and wore a jean jacket? He just gave into special interest groups too much and caused him unable to make the right decisions quickly. Other than that this would be the nicest man you would ever run into.
      This post is about Ronald Reagan. This is just my prospective. So don't call me out on any specific facts and details. Jimmy Carter was a designed to loose by big business. But jean styles went to straight leg styles in 1977 when Carter was President. A good thing. Those bell bottoms made girls look like cows. For some reason the interest rate jumped up to 18 to 21 percent if you had good credit. A lot of what I call Mom and Pop businesses decided that a 15% gross income was not worth all the hassle. So they closed there businesses and capitalized on a high interest rate on savings. There was no motivation to keep a business open to maybe make 15% income when you have to deal with employees that are getting benefits and are constantly getting sick and hurt. Plus all the Social Security benefits you have to match. So they just closed. This was the beginning of off sore production. 
     Mr. Reagan comes rolling in chaos. We have prisoners in Iran. His Secretary of State Alexandr Haig calls Iran and says we will just nuke you. And supposedly Jimmy Carter had it all worked out. I think it would have drug out a while. Nothing like a few hundred B-52s to get the point across. 
     It is funny that most of the wars we were engaged in had Democratic Presidents. Which were all blamed on previous Republican administrations. 
     Under the Republican administrations the economy ran full blast. Look at the 1920s. It was one of the wildest times in the United States. Free economy, lets see how Prohibition works. Not very well.
     When Jimmy Carter was President he have the solar stuff put on top on the White House. You know all the energy efficient things. Reagan had all the stuff taken off and said that the next thing is we will have to dry our clothes on a line. 
     During the Reagan administration dress became more conventional. With the exception of that new MTV thing. Everyone got cable TV, the FM stations would simulcast Austin City Limits on your stereo receiver. How great. 
     The B52 was still our main line bomber even though it came on line in 1955. The Abraims tank came out. Still our main battle tank. 
     Everyone seemed to have a pretty good time when Reagan was President. Although I hear a lot of people say he broke up the labor unions. But it was the individual business owners greed that sent almost everything offshore. Not Reagan. At this time doctors and lawyers were not allowed to advertise. Now all the ads on TV are doctors and lawyers. And cell phones. 
     Interest rates for borrowing fell when Reagan was President. People started buying again. The people buying were working. This generates tax revenue. Which helps the nation pay off any outstanding debts. A clean budget. 
      As our manufacturing base faded (again the greed of the owners) faded we became a service economy. Someone else will do it for you for a fee. But you can only hand that twenty dollar bill back and forth so long before it gets wore out. No new money. 
     Unforturtunatey we became very reliant on the best of everything. George W. Bush won the election with a landslide. Four years later Clinton won. Who was nothing but a thief and a husband of a designing bitch called  Hillary Clinton.

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