We have all seen him. Loved him or hated him. I have never watched any of his TV shows. Just took him as an another Howard Hughes if you will. But he certainly has the opportunity to get his word out. And is his word wrong? To a certain extent I feel he is right on the money. He may just be our next Ronald Reagan.
The nation has been through several years of just giving things out to people in need. Which is a great gesture. But the normal working people have been beaten to death. I used to hate Jerry Falwell. but he had some good points. You cannot get yourself into a situation were the government supports a lifestyle that is just giving things to people who do not want to make an effort to support themselves.
We have created an environment to which is more advantageous to sit at home and guard the television and do nothing then seek out a decent job. So now we have a bunch of sub human useless eaters running around. They contribute nothing to society and just consume the resources that have been amassed by people that have contributed to the cause.
One thing about the Mexicans they work. Have you ever went to a work site were they were not working? That is because the older Americans being white and black are too lazy to work now. They are living on the money that their families have build up. And is decreasing rapidly. As the older generations wealth is decreases, so does any inheritance. Making a bunch of fat worthless children. Now you get the drift.
Every day I see fat, lazy, and disabled people come in the store. They do nothing and expect everything. Putin is probably laughing at us now. He has us were he wants us now. The Russians could over run Europe now. The fat and lazy white girls in the United States only know to eat a lot and stare at their phones. They are completely worthless. If the Olympics have an eating and cell phone contests the United States would take every gold medal.
So what would The Donald do? Send every immigrant out of the country? To where? Europe seems to be the hot spot now. So who would do all the work? Little Johnny White just wants to stay at mommy and daddy's house and play computer games. Bobby Black just wants to hook up with two or three girls he can bounce around from to support him. Who is going to build the buildings, work at Mac Donald's and work at Bank of (Latin) America?
All the people who would then considered Americans would have to be trained to put down their cell phone. Worry about something other than a computer game and work.
Maybe Donald Trump will build a casino in every county in the United States and everyone could work there. But again, who would build the buildings? Kind of tough to drive a nail with a cell phone in your hand. The mentality of a lot of people is to stand back and watch to see who else will do something. Kind of like some kind of game. Maybe tag. Do kids even play tag anymore. Maybe if there is an app on their phone. But certainly not outside. It is too hot or cold. And they are tired and hungry. So when there is something that needs to be done the cool thing is not to do it. See who gets stuck doing it. then that person becomes the loser because that ended up doing the task and the winner is the one who does the least. Is that what work smart not hard means?
No matter what anyone says it is the work ethic that needs to be improved in the United States. But it is hard for a young person to understand as their parent (yes I said parent not parents) are on disability going to the pharmacy to get their drugs buying food on food stamps and pretty lazy.
The American Dream has changed. For a great deal the goal is to not work hard but hardly work. Just hang out and let the dummies do it. They will sooner or later burn out and the lazy people can just plug along and get paid.
How are we going to fix this Donald? The first thing is to put a cap on entitlements. Everyone can make a mistake. But limit the entitlements to one child for females. A married couple that has another child does not automatically get a raise because they have. As broken down as I feel many times I could probably get disability. But my acts have gotten me to where I am. I have been working since I was ten. I should have saved enough money over the years to retire. Or not need that much money. Who's fault is it but me?
If all entitlements would stop today it would be total anarchy. You would have to carry a machine gun to the grocery store. People would be like animals. The system would fall down. You would have to be tough to survive. Kind of like the Dark Ages.
Social Security is a hard question. People have paid in to this all their working lives and depend on it to live. This on top a pension and saving should make the last years worry free. But it has not now days. You have children who have sucked you dry. Your health is failing and costs you a lot of money even with Medicare. While some get Medicaid completely free.
So Mr. Trump should we go to socialized medicine? That takes a lot of things out of the picture. Like insurance. That takes out Obama Care and all the other problems. Insurance has to be the largest scam that was ever devised. Then you have to take out the tort laws. This makes for tough luck and sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. So the doctors, lawyers and insurance people could fill the spots that the dispersed immigrants now fill.
Pollution levels at at a low for the last several years. Technology and decreased industrial production have contributed to this. I for one am tired of paying $300 for a pair of eye glasses made in China and buying a fly swatter proudly made in USA. Do you think that this may have something to do with the economy? But it was the ultra rich that sent production abroad. They do not have to pay insurance, Social Security, have any lawsuits from tort law. Think about it.
As far as energy goes North America (Canada, United States and Mexico) have been able to solve most of their energy needs. But for some reason the currant administration has been trying to stop it. With the shale oil project between the United States and Canada and coal the hemisphere has all the energy we need. The Germans were converting coal to aviation fuel in the 1930s. They still have a nice countryside. This also creates jobs. Don't want to do that do we?
Why is the Federal Reserve printing so much money? Are we going back to a cash economy? Most people pay with things with a debit or credit card. Why all the cash? What is your thoughts on that Donald? The interest rate has to go up a little. Let's go back to the 1950s. You got 3% on savings and paid 6% for a loan. With good credit of course.
I think as a nation we are like a big zit. It needs to be burst. But there is not anything as fun as busting a big zit is there?
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