Golf has over the years been known as a rich persons sport. But it actually was started in Scotland where people are known to be thrifty. The original venues were simply a pasture where sheep were herded. Kind of something to do when tending the herd.
Golf course specific land did not come about to later. These however did constitute a bit of wealth as it was designated for the purpose and cost money to set up and maintain. These became country clubs supported by the membership. Making urban dwellers and rural people aloof and not being able to access the golf courses. Making golf a rich man's sport. If you consider it a sport.
Then we have the miracle of the American Way kick in. Municipal courses generally set up near or within a city park. The mega wealthy of the day knew the value of a happy, healthy and content work force. So just about anyone with a few bucks could play golf. Not with the best course or equipment, but play anyway. So golf gained a following. The factory worker, retail worker and farmer could play golf. A place to play and do something you could enjoy within your budget.
In this spirit golf has had its ups and downs. When the economy was booming in the twenties it was popular. Then died in the thirties. Not much going on in the forties also with World War Two. In the Fifties and Sixties with the advent of television it became popular with the middle class. People would emulate their TV heroes making like a $1000 to win a tournament! In the 1940s a lot of them bought War Bonds with the winnings.
In the 1970s and early 1980s golf was again an obscure sport played by the few and watched on television. Look out late 1980s and early 1990s! Golf took off like a rocket. All of a sudden golf was the cool thing to do. New golf club companies popped up out of no where (meaning the equipment). This sleepy little sport went off. The sleepy little municipal course became inundated with scores of folks taking up the sport.
All of the sudden your muny (municiple) course became a hot spot. The also sleepy golf club manufacturers that made the same clubs for twenty years had to come up with new things. Game improvement clubs. These would take you from zero to hero by simply buying and using them. You also had to have the correct hat and clothes. Your old IZOD stuff from 1974 now did not cut it.
Most people rode the golf carts. but the old hard core folks still walked the course. only to be told that you have to ride. To keep up the pace you know. There were clocks on the holes telling you if you were keeping up the pace. The driver you bought last week was replaced by the next greatest thing. What a fury.
Golf shops opened up all over the nation. Club fitting. Experts. Trainer to tell you how to hit this and that. Quite an industry. Ping and Titleist had about fifty different club variations for every varible you had. Do you hit it high or low? Swing speed? How long your arms are?
The golf courses were coming up like spring weeds. Now the point of rectification is here. Golf courses are closing all over the nation.The new generation just wants to eat and play with their phones.
If the Olympics had a food eating team the US could win. Have you ever seen such a fat lazy bunch? The United States has the most fat and lazy people. And it shows.
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