Friday, May 8, 2015

VE Day Not Remembered Much Anymore

     Today is the seventieth anniversary of what was called VE Day. Victory in Europe. The end of World War 2 there. It lasted a long time on a massive scale. Both sides where ready for it to end. This also started the beginning of the world as we know it know. 
     North America did not suffer the destruction that Europe did. World War 1 was very destructive but not close on the scale of World War 2. Most of the people that was involved in World War 2 have passed away now. And less and less that even were alive during it are passing away. As do people thought and memories of the width and breath of the crisis. 
     I can think of no place in the world that was not involved in some way in this conflict. Pole to pole. No one was spared involvement. The cost and effort could have made every one on the planet quite wealthy. If so much time and effort was put into a better direction a Utopia could have been created. 
     I watch a lot of the World War 2 films on TV. You have to realize that they were glamorized and made to get everyone on the same page. But the gist of them were in fact true. A lot on technology came out of the closet in World War 2. As they were needed to get the edge to win. The main thing is that a lot of people knew that their efforts were used to create an effort to win the war. 
     Each country had to step up there industrial capabilities to the maximum. Can you imagine the resources used and wasted? Then after the War the European continent was in shambles. Homes, all roads and bridges were destroyed. Factories, agriculture, utilities and everything else in ruins. 
     What I find interesting is that a lot of the countries that were allies during the war became enemies afterwards. The United States and The Soviet Union and China were allies. Not so much after the war. Japan and Germany were enemies. Then allies after the war.  They were allies. Keep an eye on your enemies and your friends closer I guess. 
     Also the end of World War 2 led to many of the "major powers" giving up their possessions across the world. For the United States they "freed" territories.  Others called them colonies. They became independent nations. Funded our course by their of mother nation. Until the next best funder came along. 
     The Soviets took over Eastern Europe. In what was called the Iron Curtain. But on the outside looking in I would say that the Eastern Block was free of a lot of crime, but not corruption. This created an East vs. West thing for a generation or two. Ironically in my political science studies I deduced that the United States and the Soviet Union had the most tantamount systems on governments. With a few exceptions of course. 
     So the super powers send money to countries that are on the bobble. Only to have their leaders to live like a king and buy a helicopter.
      All in all did the lives, resources and  efforts of World War 2 make sense? I guess so as we are alive now.


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