Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Just Try Being Nice

     Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone has their own agenda. With that in mind we often try to run over everyone else roughshod. And that isn't the way to be. Are you really in that much of a hurry? Is it someone others fault you are late? Why take it else on someone else? 
     We all think we are the center of the universe. However we are not. As people we try to take everything out on someone else. When we may be the cause of the problem anyway. Think about what you do. Every time you do not it may come back and bite you. 
     Think about kindergarten when the teacher told you to play nice. It is not a bad thing to stand up for yourself. But you do not have to take it to the point of being a bully. Although the bully thing seems to be a big thing now. There is that government commercial about the cute girls beating up on the nerdy girl. Even breaking her glasses. Some of the others just watch. That is when nerds need to unite and kick back. All of us can't be beautiful movie stars. But we can be nice too. 
     It is hard when you are doing something. Maybe many things. And then someone wants you to do something else. You are inundated. But try to chill and do the right thing. Sometimes the first thing that you are working on has to be done first and you just have to stay with it. Other times you can interrupt what you are doing and help someone. This often makes the customers experience far more pleasurable. Which makes them come back. As a rule people will generally tell one person of a good experience and ten of a bad. 
     One thing that computer scheduling does not take in account is the fact that humans generally take the path of least resistance. If they are not assigned a task until completion they will generally just jack around until their time is up on the clock. 
     In older times we all left together when we were done. That way everyone had a vested interest in completing the tasks. Not just milk the clock. So this marvel of modern technology assumes that every one has the same mental and physical aptitudes. And they all all have the same drive to get as much done as possible so they can move on to the next thing that needs done. A little glitch in the technology. Some folks are good with little boring details. Others would rather be talking to someone. Then there are the sycophants. They would rather just butter up to the boss and screw everyone else as they bask in the sunlight of favor. 
     No matter where you are just try one nice move to someone. Do not make it look like a solicitation. As you may get into trouble. Sometimes people do not how to take someone being nice to them. But try.

Just Try Being Nice

     Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone has their own agenda. With that in mind we often try to run over everyone else roughshod. And that isn't the way to be. Are you really in that much of a hurry? Is it someone others fault you are late? Why take it else on someone else? 
     We all think we are the center of the universe. However we are not. As people we try to take everything out on someone else. When we may be the cause of the problem anyway. Think about what you do. Every time you do not it may come back and bite you. 
     Think about kindergarten when the teacher told you to play nice. It is not a bad thing to stand up for yourself. But you do not have to take it to the point of being a bully. Although the bully thing seems to be a big thing now. There is that government commercial about the cute girls beating up on the nerdy girl. Even breaking her glasses. Some of the others just watch. That is when nerds need to unite and kick back. All of us can't be beautiful movie stars. But we can be nice too. 
     It is hard when you are doing something. Maybe many things. And then someone wants you to do something else. You are inundated. But try to chill and do the right thing. Sometimes the first thing that you are working on has to be done first and you just have to stay with it. Other times you can interrupt what you are doing and help someone. This often makes the customers experience far more pleasurable. Which makes them come back. As a rule people will generally tell one person of a good experience and ten of a bad. 
     One thing that computer scheduling does not take in account is the fact that humans generally take the path of least resistance. If they are not assigned a task until completion they will generally just jack around until their time is up on the clock. 
     In older times we all left together when we were done. That way everyone had a vested interest in completing the tasks. Not just milk the clock. So this marvel of modern technology assumes that every one has the same mental and physical aptitudes. And they all all have the same drive to get as much done as possible so they can move on to the next thing that needs done. A little glitch in the technology. Some folks are good with little boring details. Others would rather be talking to someone. Then there are the sycophants. They would rather just butter up to the boss and screw everyone else as they bask in the sunlight of favor. 
     No matter where you are just try one nice move to someone. Do not make it look like a solicitation. As you may get into trouble. Sometimes people do not how to take someone being nice to them. But try.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Computer Vs Human Management

     A few years ago a lot of companies went to a computer based system to schedule the employees. It is a sales success. It was sold under several different names to each corporation. 
     Well in fact it is a nightmare to the managers and employees that work under it. It does not take in consideration all the human factors. My next door neighbor is 86 years old and works part time. He calls it HAL like on 2001 A Space Odyssey. The computer that killed all the people. 
     My manager spends hours each week trying to make a schedule. Taking the away from the other things they should be doing. The whole thing is a wreck as it does not take in account people's skill sets, age, or physical ability to do the task. A big piece of crap.
     The corporations claim they are savings millions of dollars from it. I think that the upper management got a nice kickback from the company that sells the program and that is why they are all for it. Being right there I do not see it as efficient. 
     I personally do not let my vacuum cleaner tell me what to do.  And I sure do not like a computer telling how I am needing to work.

Computer Vs Human Management

     A few years ago a lot of companies went to a computer based system to schedule the employees. It is a sales success. It was sold under several different names to each corporation. 
     Well in fact it is a nightmare to the managers and employees that work under it. It does not take in consideration all the human factors. My next door neighbor is 86 years old and works part time. He calls it HAL like on 2001 A Space Odyssey. The computer that killed all the people. 
     My manager spends hours each week trying to make a schedule. Taking the away from the other things they should be doing. The whole thing is a wreck as it does not take in account people's skill sets, age, or physical ability to do the task. A big piece of crap.
     The corporations claim they are savings millions of dollars from it. I think that the upper management got a nice kickback from the company that sells the program and that is why they are all for it. Being right there I do not see it as efficient. 
     I personally do not let my vacuum cleaner tell me what to do.  And I sure do not like a computer telling how I am needing to work.

Don't Know Nothin' About Nothin'

     We have all seen the re runs on Hogan's Heroes. Sargent Schultz would say "I see nothing, I know nothing." Another old saying, fat, dumb and happy. That may be all you need to get by. If you know too much you become a threat. If you are in too good of shape people become envious. If you do not act happy you are tagged as negative. 
     So maybe if you are not on top of the heap, you should be just fat, dumb and happy. As you are just a cog in the wheel. It is just as well if you just get shoved into the slots you are supposed to. You can make all the money you need to buy all the junk food and stupid things that are in style. Sheep to the slaughter. 
     Meet some girl. She is cute. She gets pregnant. You have a child. She gets fat and mean. You go to work. So you can buy all the stupid stuff you are supposed to. You go in debt. Keeps you on the ball. To start the cycle over again. 
     But that is just the way most of us have to live. It is a wonder that we can even share the same roads, facilities and world with the upper crust. But we do. And they tolerate us. So everything can be OK. 
     Maybe we need to develop an Irish attitude.Take care of what is important and worry less about the rest.
     I see the most amount of laziness going on at work. My blood pressure goes through the roof. Everyone else looks at me like an idiot. Perhaps I am. I am no longer assuming responsibility for things. Everyone has a check list. But it does not seem to be getting done to the satisfaction of management. So they are going to be required to close at night. Takes the responsibility off me. But the department managers are not happy. 
     Last night I had to stay real late to get the job done. When we finally thought we were done I had one of the store managers give a final walk to see that we were actually done. This took the responsibility off me and the others I worked with. What a great idea. 

Don't Know Nothin' About Nothin'

     We have all seen the re runs on Hogan's Heroes. Sargent Schultz would say "I see nothing, I know nothing." Another old saying, fat, dumb and happy. That may be all you need to get by. If you know too much you become a threat. If you are in too good of shape people become envious. If you do not act happy you are tagged as negative. 
     So maybe if you are not on top of the heap, you should be just fat, dumb and happy. As you are just a cog in the wheel. It is just as well if you just get shoved into the slots you are supposed to. You can make all the money you need to buy all the junk food and stupid things that are in style. Sheep to the slaughter. 
     Meet some girl. She is cute. She gets pregnant. You have a child. She gets fat and mean. You go to work. So you can buy all the stupid stuff you are supposed to. You go in debt. Keeps you on the ball. To start the cycle over again. 
     But that is just the way most of us have to live. It is a wonder that we can even share the same roads, facilities and world with the upper crust. But we do. And they tolerate us. So everything can be OK. 
     Maybe we need to develop an Irish attitude.Take care of what is important and worry less about the rest.
     I see the most amount of laziness going on at work. My blood pressure goes through the roof. Everyone else looks at me like an idiot. Perhaps I am. I am no longer assuming responsibility for things. Everyone has a check list. But it does not seem to be getting done to the satisfaction of management. So they are going to be required to close at night. Takes the responsibility off me. But the department managers are not happy. 
     Last night I had to stay real late to get the job done. When we finally thought we were done I had one of the store managers give a final walk to see that we were actually done. This took the responsibility off me and the others I worked with. What a great idea. 

Everybody Wants To Be At Home

       My how things have changed. It seems like everybody just wants to be at home. They do not what to go out and do anything. According to them anyway. When I was younger the last thing that I wanted was to just go home. 
     People used to want to do things outside. Go somewhere. See someone. Get something done. Now it seems we just want to be at home.  Maybe not really want to be, but the best sanctuary we can scratch out. As I am the second oldest person in my apartment building I see the younger people just staying home after they get off work. When I was their age I would want to go somewhere and do something. 
     For the most part it has to be an economic thing. It takes everything that you make to just get by. That is the only way to make it as a low wage earner or someone on a fixed income. As there isn't any money, time or energy to run and play. A tight leash. And it seems like all of us are exhausted. No extra energy anyway. 
     Our escape is electronic. We have our TVs, phones, computers, headphones and the plethora of other electronic devices. A lot of people do not even speak. We are living in the Matrix. Like a baby's pacifier. It does however get us by. 
     A lot of people are cooking at home. I do. I watched an episode of All In The Family tonight. It was probably from around 1970 to 1972. Archie spoke that he made about $150 a week. That is about $7800 a year net I guess. He complained that they were eating chicken again for the fourth time that week. Edith was doing the best she could with what she had to work with. Sound familiar? That would be about $10,000 a year gross. Wow!
     In spite of what we hear from media. The economy is not great. Sure. There are more low paying jobs available. But they are low paying jobs. I would guess that about half of our customers at the store I work at are receiving entitlements. Young, old and all races. 
     Yet in the magazines they still speak of affordable cars starting at $18,000. Bicycles at $2000 plus. Etc. When looking in the parking lot where I work I see a lot of really nice cars. A lot of not so nice newer cars. A lot of people parking in the handicapped zone that get out and look like they could run a mile or two. Dressed nice and driving nice cars. 
     We have to thank the wealthy people. Because they are more than ever keeping the lower class working. That is the lower class that works. It has been a long time since I went to a mall. As most people are in the same boat, no wander they are dying out. So many retail establishments have the same old junk.
     I am afraid that we are past the point of no return. The younger generation are for the most part fat and stupid. They are lazy and selfish too. But they learned this from my generation that was not fat and stupid, just self centered. We had kids that shouldn't have been. Split them between two parents. Carried on with our our designs. Fed them fast food and processed stuff. Just an encumbrance. Just stick this video in your face and stay out of mine as I have my own designs to deal with. Each and every one of our actions has ramifications.
     Homes were built in large sizes. Payments were high. I do not know for sure if this is the same thing that went on during the 1890s when a lot of the Victoria mansions were built. History does repeat itself. There was a Panic of 1873. Bad economy in 1973. Go figure. But as always, the rich remain rich. 
     As a guess right now I think that if you are making $30,000 a year you are doing well. Still in the lower class range. There are a lot of regular customers that I do not see any more. Have they chose another venue? Have they moved to another location? I do not know. I just hope that they were not that 60 percent of the Bell Curve that were not happy with the service and quietly went away. 
     Getting out on weekends (what are weekends?) used to be a big deal with me. Going to festivals, antiquing, picnicking, hiking, golf and other things used to come to mind for a weekend off. With a girlfriend (what is that?). I do not even think of doing this now. Perhaps of being older and tired. Maybe not financially able to do so. No matter. Can't do it now. 
      But even the younger people I know are always sick and tired. Is there something in the food and water? Do we not get enough exercise? Is our minds shot? Got to be something. 
      As I write this I am just where I want to be. At home.


Everybody Wants To Be At Home

       My how things have changed. It seems like everybody just wants to be at home. They do not what to go out and do anything. According to them anyway. When I was younger the last thing that I wanted was to just go home. 
     People used to want to do things outside. Go somewhere. See someone. Get something done. Now it seems we just want to be at home.  Maybe not really want to be, but the best sanctuary we can scratch out. As I am the second oldest person in my apartment building I see the younger people just staying home after they get off work. When I was their age I would want to go somewhere and do something. 
     For the most part it has to be an economic thing. It takes everything that you make to just get by. That is the only way to make it as a low wage earner or someone on a fixed income. As there isn't any money, time or energy to run and play. A tight leash. And it seems like all of us are exhausted. No extra energy anyway. 
     Our escape is electronic. We have our TVs, phones, computers, headphones and the plethora of other electronic devices. A lot of people do not even speak. We are living in the Matrix. Like a baby's pacifier. It does however get us by. 
     A lot of people are cooking at home. I do. I watched an episode of All In The Family tonight. It was probably from around 1970 to 1972. Archie spoke that he made about $150 a week. That is about $7800 a year net I guess. He complained that they were eating chicken again for the fourth time that week. Edith was doing the best she could with what she had to work with. Sound familiar? That would be about $10,000 a year gross. Wow!
     In spite of what we hear from media. The economy is not great. Sure. There are more low paying jobs available. But they are low paying jobs. I would guess that about half of our customers at the store I work at are receiving entitlements. Young, old and all races. 
     Yet in the magazines they still speak of affordable cars starting at $18,000. Bicycles at $2000 plus. Etc. When looking in the parking lot where I work I see a lot of really nice cars. A lot of not so nice newer cars. A lot of people parking in the handicapped zone that get out and look like they could run a mile or two. Dressed nice and driving nice cars. 
     We have to thank the wealthy people. Because they are more than ever keeping the lower class working. That is the lower class that works. It has been a long time since I went to a mall. As most people are in the same boat, no wander they are dying out. So many retail establishments have the same old junk.
     I am afraid that we are past the point of no return. The younger generation are for the most part fat and stupid. They are lazy and selfish too. But they learned this from my generation that was not fat and stupid, just self centered. We had kids that shouldn't have been. Split them between two parents. Carried on with our our designs. Fed them fast food and processed stuff. Just an encumbrance. Just stick this video in your face and stay out of mine as I have my own designs to deal with. Each and every one of our actions has ramifications.
     Homes were built in large sizes. Payments were high. I do not know for sure if this is the same thing that went on during the 1890s when a lot of the Victoria mansions were built. History does repeat itself. There was a Panic of 1873. Bad economy in 1973. Go figure. But as always, the rich remain rich. 
     As a guess right now I think that if you are making $30,000 a year you are doing well. Still in the lower class range. There are a lot of regular customers that I do not see any more. Have they chose another venue? Have they moved to another location? I do not know. I just hope that they were not that 60 percent of the Bell Curve that were not happy with the service and quietly went away. 
     Getting out on weekends (what are weekends?) used to be a big deal with me. Going to festivals, antiquing, picnicking, hiking, golf and other things used to come to mind for a weekend off. With a girlfriend (what is that?). I do not even think of doing this now. Perhaps of being older and tired. Maybe not financially able to do so. No matter. Can't do it now. 
      But even the younger people I know are always sick and tired. Is there something in the food and water? Do we not get enough exercise? Is our minds shot? Got to be something. 
      As I write this I am just where I want to be. At home.