Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leisure Time

     Leisure Time. It is the time we all look forward to. Leisure time isn't just when you are not at work. Because even if you are not at work you still have other chores to do. Your additional responsibilities are commensurate to the commitments you have created for yourself. 
    For example. If you have children you have other commitments above and beyond you own needs. We all have to shop, cook, clean, go to doctors, Maintain our transportation, do laundry, perform hygiene, do home maintenance and the plethora of things we must do. 
     After housing and transportation, our leisure time can be the most expensive things we do. Just think of the things people do for leisure. Aviation, boating, skiing, travel, collecting, entertainment, golf, cycling, model railroading (not just a train set!), hunting, fishing, gardening, computer gaming, gambling, vacations, theme parks, automobiles, motorcycles, antiques, music (both performing and listening) and just about anything you can think of. Some things are just out of reach financially for many people. But as in a previous post you do not need the best of everything. 
      The least expensive leisure time can be spent if you can find pleasure in the things that you have to do. In essence learn to enjoy what you have to do anyway. Not saying that you have to be passionate about doing the laundry or cleaning the house. But you do not have to loath it either. Because the end result will be something is accomplished that needed to be done. A good thing. 
     Leisure or enjoyment is a matter of perception. A task or action that you must take may be distasteful to one person but pleasurable to another. Some people hate doing things because our society has conditioned us to hate doing it. Even before trying it. Then when they jump in their and just do it they realize that it wasn't all that unpleasant or difficult after all. Just the thought of having to do it made it bad do to social conditioning. 
     Everyone has their own ideas on leisure. It doesn't have to be something real expensive. Just something you enjoy. 

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