Wednesday, December 3, 2014


     Dinosaurs are old big lizards that used to dominate the world. We always assume that they were not that intelligent. But I beg to differ. A lot of science fiction themes describe the alien beasts as lizard type creatures. 
    I watched Jurassic Park for the umpteenth time the other day. Didn't Laura Dern look hot in those shorts and ankle high work boots. Kind of set the style for a couple of years during the 1990's. I know I liked he look. 
    There really had to be some kind of Devinne intervention to eliminate the lizard dominance. We think it was a meteor. But why did a lot of the animal climate change so much. Only a few like alligators, crocodiles, monitor lizards still survive. Of course a lot of small reptiles still survive too. 
     So maybe the reptiles did dominate the world at one time. What sort of catastrophic thing happened to change that? To think that we are the only planet to support life in the entire universe is foolish. Something has protected us for millions of years. Again, was it Devinne? What could change the entire landscape of a entire planet? Was there some kind of big war where human looking aliens came and wiped out the big lizards? 
     Something changed the planet. The old Twilight Zone when the big people came here to help the Earth. Only to feed on them later. Not every planet cannot support life. Look at our own solar system. But how many solar systems are there out there? We would be naive to think that there is no other life out there unless it is just like some kind of big picture.Like some sort of facade.
     We have an asteroid belt. Is that one of our protection measures? What would that stop when we have made it to Mars? Maybe against asteroids but not space ships. As the Earth's own space ships have navigated through it exploring the outer Solar System. How they make it through I do not know. As I am questionably proficient in cooking chicken in a grocery store deli. And not proficient at all at evaluation time when it is time for a raise or promotion. As extra isn't plus just the job, all bad are minuses. 
     So back to the dinosaurs. So why did they go away. Was it volcanoes, aliens, a self destructive lifestyle which eventually destroyed their society and genes. Or did they start fighting each other over petty things or a drive to become the dominate dinosaurs. Ones that wanted to do nothing and have everything. 
     Supposedly dinosaurs did exist. But I do not believe they are mentioned in the Bible. They may be. But I do not know. They do have skeletons of them. They say that is where oil comes from. Could be, Again I am not that smart.

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