Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Craziness Of The Holidays

     The Holidays are right here right now. The grocery store is absolutely insane with customers. A lot of new faces with old faces mean that they have friends and relatives in town for the Thanksgiving Holiday. As usual people are in a frenzy. Shopping and getting ready to cook for the Holiday. Or some people simply just eat out. My family has done this for years. As it can be more economical and certainly less complicated. No shopping. No cooking. Nothing to clean up. Many buffets offer other food than the traditional. So if you do not like turkey and stuffing you can enjoy something else. If it is however on the menu. 
   We are however like sheep. Follow tradition. Pig out. Make a mess. Have leftovers and than mostly waste them. People than sit around sick from eating too much and watch the insanely stupid sport of football. And than we worry about Black Friday. A day named so because that is the day a lot of retailers go from red ink to black ink on their accounting records. For those of you who are too young or not abreast with accounting. Red ink on a journal means losing money and black ink means making money. So Black Friday means you have reached a point where you are now making money. So it it all about making money. 
   In the old days the holiday was the holiday. Everyone went back to work the next day. Now we make four day holidays out of just about everything. So now Thanksgiving is a four day holiday for people who work and do not work anyway. Franklin Roosevelt made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of the month of November instead of the last to kick up the economy. To get us ready for the next Holiday. Christmas. 
   Again years ago Christmas was a one day Holiday. Now we drag it out for at least a week or so. I admit, I used to take about the week before and a day or so after for vacation. Being in sales a lot of business customers realized they needed to spend money before the end of the year to realize tax breaks or to not show too much profit. Like shooting fish in a barrel. I could rake that last week of the year. So I had to be there. As my other business was summer based. 
   Then we come to in my mind the least valuable holiday. New Years. Really just an accounting reset. As we change the calender. A big time to dump inventories. As normally you as taxed on then at the end of January. So in January you have the White Sales and every other thing you can think of. 
   The exercise machine advertisements start hitting then. As you have gotten fat over the Holidays. Don't worry though. You have the Stupid Bowl and then Valentine's Day to worry about. But do not. Easter is on it's way.

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