Some of us commute by bicycle year round. Whether by choice or as an only form of transportation. For the most part I cannot think of a better way to get around for relatively short distances. Within a two mile distance you can get there as quickly as in a car. Especially if you can find a way to dodge the traffic lights.
When I say fall is great for commuting, I can say that I as live in Florida. As the weather is not at a hundred degree heat index with rain everyday now. It is generally in the upper fifties at night and low eighties during the day. How is that for about right?
In locations that are already getting your first snow. I know that this isn't the best time of the year for you. But you plug along anyway. For this you should be commended. You do what you have to do.
So many of us work in jobs that are not exactly what we want. During the Economic Downturn of 2008 we took what what could and learned how to survive. How did you learn to survive? Did you take on a job that was "below" your skill level? Did you cut back on spending? Did you loose your house? Loose the job you had before? When the downturn first hit I would go to yard sales near me. Nice subdivisions. People were selling golf clubs, gas grill and all other kinds of unnecessary items. Electronics and so forth. But being a bottom feeder myself, i could not buy these things I did not need either.
There becomes a point of saturation. You take something that works and everybody jumps on the bandwagon. About the only thing that has opened up in the two mile stretch around my apartment complex in convenient stores and banks. So what do people do. Work at a convenient store, cash their $200 check at the bank and go spend it on fast food. What a strong economy! There was 200,000 jobs created in October. Swell. Of course these "new" jobs are for the "holiday" season or to replace the people who quit their jobs at the convenience stores! And are now signing up for unemployment.
I remember a time when I would not buy anything that wasn't made in the USA. At one time you could still actually find things that were made in the USA. Clothes, shoes, appliances, tools and just about everything. Because these things were made here people had jobs. Not a super high paying job, but a job that was substantially above middle wage. Creating that so called middle class. Most with benefits and some sort of retirement. People lived in little houses in neat little neighborhoods. Yes there was misfits too. But for the most part a pretty neat little system. If you kept your nose clean (wonder what they were talking about?) you could live nicely. Save some money for later, create a situation where your kids had some motivation and die. Leaving the next generation to carry the baton.
I am for raising the minimum wage. If it is across the board. Make a large tariff on imported goods. Making it an advantage to produce produces in the nation. Fifteen dollars an hour would make about thirty thousand a year. The upper lower class. But by providing jobs and tax revenue it would give people a job and lower the deficit. The Federal Government bailed out the mega rich in 2008. Now it is time to bail out the country. Not with entitlements, but with a restructuring of the economy as a whole. Just like in the 1930s. We keep hanging on to that system which worked them but is failing now. You cannot keep hanging things on something that is collapsing and expect it to continue to function. The problem is that system is overloaded. The population has tripled. People are living longer. And the willing work force is growing smaller. It just doesn't add up does it?
If the United States would not import as many junk items from abroad we buy from within. This sounds like old isolation policy. But it may be the key. Until the upper crust is affected by the way things are nothing is going to get done. All we are doing now is to encourage people to have kids, be lethargic, seek entitlements and live off the fat of the land. Plus all the imports are causing a lot of fossil fuel to be used creating global warming. So this should encourage all the tree hugging, trust fund babies, ex hippies that are fat off their old and gone parents that accumulated by working and saving. Not by a will. So these lazy liberals can same sex and tattoo them selves to death as far as I am concerned. As they are only out for themselves. They can live in their own little pitiful world. But don't try to take down the whole world with your selfishness. You would change your mind if you had to work for a living.
All of a sudden crude oil prices and gasoline prices are falling. How about that. First of all the Middle East suppliers are not a monopoly. We are pulling oil from the United States. And people are complaining about it? Buy up all they have to sell and build up the strategic reserves. Build more strategic reserves. Fill every tank available with the cheaper oil and continue to keep producing and storing here too. Jobs you know.
When the Russians came in and bought all the steel mills around the Pittsburgh area what was the first thing they done? They closed them. And putting a few thousand out of work. Maybe they can get a job at MacDonald's. Also crippling the ability of the USA to make steel. What a smooth move. So we can no longer make shoes, clothes, tools, steel, able bodied population that can do anything but stare at their phones and eat. Wanting to get off work as soon as possible as they are tired. To sit home and eat and play with their phones.
As far as pollution goes all these smart people coming up with video games could start working on that. When my father asked the nurse to do something for him. The nurse replied "we do not do that in Mexico". My father answered, "we are not in Mexico".
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