Saturday, October 4, 2014

Shrinking Middle Class And The Return To The Way It Was

     First of all I would like to apologize for publishing a post that was not written. I had two drafts and naturally published the wrong one. The up side is that I got more readers of the blank post than the other one. i guess that says a lot for my content!
     Now on to the post I had not written yet. I have eluded to the thought that the middle class is more of an illusion then fact. As the upper class still considers the middle class a lower class. Just a better lower class. Even the entertainers and sports personalities that have a lot of money are still lower class. That just happen to have a lot of money. And before these stars crash to the ground you can be sure that someone in the upper class are going to get a piece of the action before they fall. They will milk them for some cash or a lot of cash for investments and foundations. Keep them afloat as long as they are valuable and dump them when its over. For the little people they will suck them into the stock market and then pull the rug out from under it. There is a warm fuzzy feeling when you have $100,000 on paper. But stark reality when that turns to $50 when the water seeks its own level. By that time your have invested $5000 into something that turns out to be nothing.
     The middle class was founded by people in the lower class that were skilled and able to behave themselves. These people were rewarded with higher paying jobs. Making them middle class. Although still being lower class. But it is nice to feel that you are above the lower class being middle class. 
     Living arrangements, education, race, religion, personal appearance, demeanor, associations, contribute to your gaining access to the middle class. It also dictates as to how you get around. Transportation. Car, bus, bicycle, motorcycle or walk. It is up to you isn't it? Well not really. Your credit rating, monthly income and personal preferences have a lot to do with that.
     It used to be fashionable to be middle class. The lower class wanted to consider themselves middle class as well as people who were really rich. As a lot of rich people did not show off and did not want to be targeted as rich. Middle class people could shop at the mall. Have credit cards. Drive automobiles. Maybe even have a boat. 

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