Saturday, August 2, 2014

What Would It Be Like To Just Live Life And Only Having To Deal With The Rat Race When You Want?

     What would it be like to just live life as you want without having to deal with the rat race? It seems like an impossibility for a lot of us. But you see it everyday.
     There are the retired people. Who have worked and saved and can now do what they want within reason. Depending on how much they saved and how well they have taken care of their health and are naturally healthy. 
     There is also people who have inherited enough money to just live out life as they want. You know. The trust fund babies. Depending to how much they have they can live without hitting a lick. That is if they do not get in trouble or overspend. Fight off bad habits or addiction. Just be pretty mellow. My experience with these folks are if they did not blow through all their money. They guard it carefully. Staying out of trouble. Out of relationships. Under the radar as to not lose what they have and have to go to work. When I was in sales this guy used to come around a few times a week and waste about an hour of my time. Telling me he only had about four million dollars left and has to be careful with it. Wouldn't have to go to work would he. It didn't cost him any money to waste my time as a commissioned sales person. And he knew that if I got too curt he could get me in trouble with management. So he would waste my time until he moved on to the next thing on the agenda. Not a bad way to be. 
     Then we have to folks getting entitlements. They can just pretty much mosey along at their own pace too. They do not have a great deal of wealth amassed but do have a steady check rolling in. Can't spend a whole lot of money on the big things. But do not have to work either. Still better then beating your brains out and wearing your body out on a low wage job. And still live just as well. Ever better when you take in account you do not have to do anything to do so. Ironically these can be some of the worst people to deal with in retail. As they can kind of rub it in your face. 
     People with passive incomes can live a pretty nice life too. Maybe it is alimony. Royalties from an invention or song. I have heard that an entertainer gets five cents for every time a song is played on Musak. So take that and multiply every time a song is played in so many places every day. That can really add up. I would like to develop some passive income with this blog. I know that it may never become something to which I could quite my day job. It would however be nice if it would. Others have done it. At this juncture it would be nice to see it at lease augment my income. 
     This kind of lifestyle is but a pipe dream for most of us. As we have to work a job for a wage or salary. A wage of course is based on an amount paid for an hours work. A salary is on a weekly basis assuming you complete a certain time commitment and expected tasks. This is how 99 percent of us make a living. 
     So those lucky ones you see just living life are the minority. Who knows? Maybe you will hit the lottery. Be careful though. Most people who hit the lottery are broke soon!

1 comment:

  1. You have to start early to save for a retirement. Or just get lucky.
