When a small pebble hits a lake you see a ripple. How long and how far does that ripple go? To the naked eye not very far usually. But it may go on for infinity. We can get callous and not notice little things like the ripple in the pond. Just because you do not notice it does not mean it isn't there.
The other day there was someone looking for something that we do not usually stock. They insisted that we do and the manager overheard it and got involved. Time for me to bow out. I saw the customer leave thinking that it was rectified. The next day I seen the customer away from work. You would have though the world ended. To them the manger was terrible. They left in tears. They were going to call the store. Blah, blah, blah. Looking at these folks it would appear they would bust you over the head with a pool stick in a crummy bar then to be so sensitive. So you just never know.
Had I just stayed involved could I have just handled and not caused this ripple to occur? Maybe. But I was very busy with three things going on and the manager seen that and tried to take care of it.
So if I had stopped what I was doing, a hard thing to do at the time, I may have rectified that situation. But I could not as I was in the middle of a bunch of things that needed immediate attention.
As clearly represented here the little things can become big things. All of this can go back to an old post on Products Reliability And Happiness.
As customers we have certain expectations for the products and services that we use. Oddly enough as we have became more of a consuming society then one that we produce we have became more picky. You know. The picky teen age kid who has never worked (even around the house) demands the most for the service rendered or products purchased (by mom and dad of course). Although they do not want to lift a finger doing anything. They want you to snap to their whip for them. Check out my post Picky.
It seems like every retailer and service provider are going out of their way to generate new business. Or desperately trying to hold on to what they got. I have just recently read where Protor and Gamble is going to drop one hundred products within the next year. That seems like a lot. Most likely many jobs with that too. Is it to compete? Is there a lot of redundancies? Are they going to have to make products for World War 3? Who knows but that sounds drastic to me.
Just remember the little ripples. As they can go a long way.
Makes sense!