Monday, July 14, 2014

PBS Travel Shows

     As I have mentioned I watch a lot of broadcast TV. Many of which are on PBS. They have many cooking and travel shows. Even old favorites like This Old House and Victory Garden. 
     Watching the travel shows I am trying to figure out how the European countries get by. For the most part the people are just sitting around in parks, walking the streets or in restaurants. Do they all have their own business, winery, and restaurants? You never see any industry. Maybe a brewery. Maybe they just do not show the industry. But people have to work don't they? Or do they all just work in each others shops and restaurants? Are they all able to get by off of tourists? 
     Eighteen of the 28 European Union (EU) use the Euro for currency. Today a Euro is worth $1.36. This lends some stability to their money and also makes transactions between countries easier. Although a lot of European countries use their traditional currencies. There are 25 countries that use their traditional currencies. i mistakenly thought that almost all European countries used the Euro. I also did mot realize there are so many countries in Europe. Almost as many states as there are in the United States. 
     When I look at the shows about the countries most people look like they are living a good life. I have also stumbled upon an article about the most happiest countries in the world. Most were northern European. Except for Canada which had the highest average expendable incomes. Canada was the highest and the rest averaged out at about $25,000. So I guess money isn't everything. These folks in these countries actually save money too. 
     These countries have high taxes and social medicine. They have a good infrastructure. Good public transportation. The people also ride bicycles for transportation. They also seem to be more social. A key thing here is that they have few personal possessions. They have a place to sleep. A place to work. A place to hang out in between. Do you ever notice any new subdivisions going up in Europe? All you see are old houses.
     Maybe the United States economy is headed that way. How many people that you know work at a big major factory? Not many I am sure. Most work in restaurants, retail or service type businesses. I work in retail and can't rally say that anyone I work with isn't underemployed. Even the young ones who thirty or forty years ago could have went out and got some kind of manufacturing or mining job. They then went out and bought a car, got married and bought a house. And needed appliances. 
     Now most of them are living with relatives and doing the best they can to just get by.Some are in college. Hoping to find something in the future. Others have pretty much just given in to the way things are. At least they are doing something and trying. 
     So I guess we are moving into that kind of economy. The sharks are working hard right now to maximize their income. Because before long there will not be any honey holes to draw from. The older generation has just about played out. No more land of milk and honey. So there will not be anything to pull from. 
      At best what I am getting at is that you better figure out how to get by on what you are making. Because unless you come up with the next best thing. This is your thing, 
        So I am happy for the folks who are still remaining on the old way. Your children will likely have a much tougher road to how. They will no longer to but new houses. Be happy to have one that has been around for a while. 
      Are we moving to a European lifestyle? I hope at best!

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