Look at the stock market today. It dove again. It will continue to dive till it rectifies itself again. Get everybody pumped up again for the holidays. Pull the rug out again. It happens all the time. The stock market reached its highest point not long ago. It will go down. I am a pessimist. I think the stock market is normal at DJIJ about $10,000. But I see 30 year old new wearing Spider Man tee shirts that actually believe in Spider Man that play video games seriously. So everybody else is probably stupid about the stock market.
You think you can make a bundle on stocks. But you have to get in and get out. That is what the big players do. The only stocks to have and keep are utilities. They do not pay mach but are stable.
How would you liked to have payed $5000 for a Stupid Bowl? Like the commercials? Watch them on TV. There are too many anyway. That is why they have TV. To have commercials. Do you think they were worried about you being bored? No media is to sell things. Magazines, TV, newspapers and radio are to sell things. And I have always liked all of the above. No wander I buy a lot of dumb stuff.
Will raising the minimum wage help things? The news is not quite right when they say these people are only making minimum wage. Most have food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicade and other entitlements.So they are not just living on minimum wage. So raising that will only cause prices to go up for the full time workers that are making a little over that and everybody else. If a big raise in minimum wage would work for everybody then they have to give up all the other benefits. We can all get Oboma care and be happy. But you cannot have both. Higher wages and not benefits or stay the same.
Let us watch the stock market fall some more. Get back to reality. The rich are laughing all the way to the bank with their profits. Another exiting year. Wait for the next suckering in. It will be soon.
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