Monday, February 10, 2014

Is It Still Worth The Effort To Be Frugal When They Are Telling Us Things Are Better?

     The latest news we hear about the economy is that is getting better. The news makes us feel good and spend more money. Buy things we normally wouldn't. People have tax money coming in. But I still do not believe it is that much better if any at all. 
     But it is time to be more frugal if you can. I see retail prices on necessities slowly but surely rising. Prices at grocery stores are going up. Not just the luxury items but low line items. A loaf of white bread for $1.50. Milk over $4. Peanut butter almost $4 for a small jar. These staples are rising in price. I know that in the deli I work at the least expensive meat is bologna for $3.79 a pound. The least expensive cheese is $6.99 a pound. Just  pay attention while you are shopping. 
     Basic everyday clothes are going up too. Underwear, socks and shoes. All of my insurances have went up as well as their respective co pays. Gas is down now a bit but will rise as wholesale oil prices are going up. 
     So now we need to regroup and get over the short high of everything getting better.

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