Unless you have a professional skill set or some kind of government job your choices may be that of a mercenary. If you have a low paying full time job it may have to be subsidized by a part time job. If you do not have a full time job you may have to have multiple part time jobs. Just to get by.
An article on the internet stated that there would be hardly any full time positions offered by employers this year. So people will have to survive on part time jobs. More than one. Since you will not be offered any benefits you should be able to at least get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act ( referred to as ACA henceforth).
More and more people are taking on multiple jobs that are part time. It can be quite a trick to make it work. Making sure that your work schedules do not overlap. Also it means no days off in many cases. You cannot be in two places at once and there are only so many hours in a day. Maybe cheap clones are the answer. But not for now.
Multiple jobs often involve multiple clothes changes. Irregular sleeping times. Several commutes. It would be a whole lot easier to just figure out a way to draw entitlements. This however is not an option for a lot of people. So we have to come up with a plan.
Ideally you need a set schedule for the primary job. Many times you can give the employer your availability. Then when you find a secondary job you can work (hopefully) around the other primary job. With a little luck you may even work in at least one off day. That would be bliss. But it is more often than not that easy. But it is nice if it does.
Proximity is important too. One does not want to have to drive, public transportation, bike or walk a long way to make very little money. It does not make it worth it. If you are lucky enough to have a car and use $10 worth of gas to drive an hour round trip to make $30 it is not much of a deal. If you can wash dishes at a local restaurant for a few hours a day one or two days a week within walking or bicycle distance it may be worth it to you.
Another thing to do is take a hobby or side skill of yours and put to a money making endeavor. Maybe you car detail cars. Clean houses. Be a handyperson. Work on bicycles. Fix watches. Minor landscaping. Sell something on ebay. Whatever. Perhaps you can cut hair. Do nails. Fix a computer. The down side of this type of a project is that it leaves you liable. Most of the people you will be dealing with are either unable to perform these functions, too cheap to pay a professional, or just lazy. There is honest people out there but if you get over your head and mess up they may take you to small claims court and may open up a tax liability to you. So you have to be careful. With the exception of ebay they may also not pay you.
So again entitlements may be the best way to go.
Ideally you need a set schedule for the primary job. Many times you can give the employer your availability. Then when you find a secondary job you can work (hopefully) around the other primary job. With a little luck you may even work in at least one off day. That would be bliss. But it is more often than not that easy. But it is nice if it does.
Proximity is important too. One does not want to have to drive, public transportation, bike or walk a long way to make very little money. It does not make it worth it. If you are lucky enough to have a car and use $10 worth of gas to drive an hour round trip to make $30 it is not much of a deal. If you can wash dishes at a local restaurant for a few hours a day one or two days a week within walking or bicycle distance it may be worth it to you.
Another thing to do is take a hobby or side skill of yours and put to a money making endeavor. Maybe you car detail cars. Clean houses. Be a handyperson. Work on bicycles. Fix watches. Minor landscaping. Sell something on ebay. Whatever. Perhaps you can cut hair. Do nails. Fix a computer. The down side of this type of a project is that it leaves you liable. Most of the people you will be dealing with are either unable to perform these functions, too cheap to pay a professional, or just lazy. There is honest people out there but if you get over your head and mess up they may take you to small claims court and may open up a tax liability to you. So you have to be careful. With the exception of ebay they may also not pay you.
So again entitlements may be the best way to go.
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