Going to Goodwill stores has been something I have done for a long time. I even went with my grandmother in the sixties. Those grandmothers from my era knew how to get the most from the dollar. As they were raised and married through the Great Depression. You just never know what you will find at a thrift shop.
I find it amusing that thrift shopping is hip now. It used to be provocative to tell someone you bought something from one. This morning there were likely more shoppers at Goodwill than the mall across the street. The mall is just filled with redundant Chinese junk. At high prices. Good will is filled with junk too. But you will never know when you will find a diamond in the rough. Popularity has caused their prices to rise a bit. Supply and demand you know. You got to pay for hip.
People go through the thrift stores and buy the diamonds to sell at yard sales, Craigs List and ebay. So when you go now you will not find that piece of high end audio or great wall art that you may have found years ago. Also Goodwill has caught on and is pricing things in a less random fashion then they used to. Junk is still priced as junk. And nicer things are priced accordingly.
When shopping you may find the piece of clothing that is the coolest. Take the time to look it over closely. Someone got rid of it for some reason. If it has a stain on it do not think that you will get it home and get it out. They wash everything in a strong industrial wash. If they couldn't get it out chances are you can't either. Check for buttons, holes and holes in pockets of pants.
I have bought cookware there too. But I thoroughly boil and clean the pieces. Multiple times. Then you know they a clean. You can every once in a while find a nice piece. Most appliances are sold as is. Take the time and ask if you can plug them in. Again why get rid of something if it works. The ones donating are usually doing it for a tax write off and not the kindness of their heart. Buyer beware.
Finally I have disengaged from Google plus. As it will not let me read the comments. I want any and all comments to be below each post and to be read by all. In the standard format there has been a lack of comments. Even if I push it to provocative. With Google plus I have received comments without the ability to read or respond to. Making them clandestine and worthless to me. If you have something to say, say it.
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