I would imagine that if you worked a consistent schedule week in and week out it would be easier to strike a balance with your work time and free time. You work every week Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. Lunch every day is at noon. Returning at 1pm. You know that you are going to have every Saturday and Sunday off. All holidays off and the three day weekends when they occur. This gives you the luxury of planning ahead and having time to participate in outside activities and organizations regularly.
Forward to my schedule and millions of others in retail. Why they cannot establish a consistent schedule for retail is unknown. One day I may have to get up at 5am. The next day I may have off or not have to be at work till 3pm. My lunch break may be at 10am, 3pm or 6pm. This keeps your body in a wreck. I for the most part have the same days off. That helps. But these different shifts occur during the same week. Not different per week.
So what is a person to do? Go to bed early one night. Get up early one day. Sleep late one day. Stay up late the next night. What a mess. No one seems to question it, it is what it is. But it has flaws. If I do not need to be at work early I still rise at 7am. Even if I have to work till 11pm. That makes a long day. Then you may have to be in early the next day.
I realize that to maintain diversity of skill sets they have people change shifts. That way everyone can learn to do all the tasks that need performed. But it always doesn't work that way. Some people never do certain things. Period. Some people never have the opportunity to do things.
I have been however to figure thing out and do thing that need to be done. I can clean house and do laundry on late days. Having it completed so as I will not have to fool with it on a off day. Maybe take a bike ride. Hopefully to ride a bike to work that afternoon. Getting home early one day is sort of a treat. As you can live like a citizen. Eat dinner at a regular time and not be coming home when everybody else is asleep.
Perhaps I am whining here. As people who work the M-F, 9-5 probably feel in a rut. Like a toy train on an oval track. Going round and round in the same place. The same stuff every weekend. Never off during the week. So maybe I should not be so critical of my schedules.
Late shifts are an excellent time to get chores done. Get exercise. Ride the bike. Talk to people that you otherwise wouldn't see. I have never been a weekend person anyway. When I did have a whole weekend off I was at a loss. In Indiana however I had every Sunday off. Thursdays too. That is probably the only consistency I need. Now I have off Mondays and Thursdays. I like that too. Again I should not be whining.
The balance comes in to play. I cannot tide a bicycle 15 miles in the morning before I plan to ride it to work that day. Then work on my feet all day then ride home. But I can take a short ride and still commute. I need to start working out a bit I suppose. There is a gym in my complex. I do get shy in these type of environments. Neither of the above activities cost any money or have any further impact on the environment. Win win.
Today being off I was able to do some shopping and hit Goodwill to check for anything I couldn't live without. Scored a nice pair of Polo shorts for cheap. I have time to blog. I have learned and noticed from a new neighbor across the street that it is OK to stay home. When she is off from work it seems she stays home. She is Barbie personified. If she stays home what does an ugly old man like me need to be worried about going out there. While this does not seem fun to a lot of people it would have saved me thousands over the years. Not to mention a lot of wear and tear. I went out to a bar a few weeks ago. in the afternoon. Only the tail end of the lunch crowd, a few barflies, the bartender and myself. A really good investment of $20. Not really.
Free time and leisure time may not be the same. Free time can be free, no cost. Leisure time however can cost money. Boats, motorcycles, sports, casinos, theme parks etc. Free time can be free of charge. There is always something that needs to be done around the house. Clean out that fridge. Check closets for stuff that you may have forgotten about and will buy again thinking you do not have it. The patio needs attention. A bike needs work. Reconcile your checkbook. Clean that bathroom. Get your fall clothes out. As fall is here in Florida it is probably only going to be getting in the eighties now. Need to dig out those flannel shirts. Right.