Friday, September 13, 2013

Work Hard And Behave

     It is hard to believe all the crime in the small city I live in. Ranging from shoplifting to murder. A great deal of domestic violence. Drugs, shootings, driving without a license. Trying to sell stolen goods to pawn brokers. A sign of a poor economy. 
   I read today that 238,000 college grads are working jobs that do not even require a high school graduation. Like me. I myself and many others wasted a lot of time and money on college. Many people who go to school just don't need or use it. of the nine million jobs lost in the economic downturn, six million of the new jobs were low paying.
     So what are the good paying jobs. The average income they say is $50,000 or about $961.54 per week. I make about half of that and a great deal of others do too. Many that work in the medical field will be impacted by the Affordable Health Act.I am sure as a lot of doctors are closing up shop. Maybe a great deal of others who work for them will be out of work too.
     As being a large service type economy we need to explore other industries that will fill a need. Coal and natural gas seem to be abundant in the US. Gas is a big industry now. For years it is called a clean burning energy. Many fleet vehicles and industrial fork trucks have used natural gas for years. Before and during WW2 The Germans were making fuel out of coal. Even able to make a high grade gasoline suitable for use in aircraft requiring high octane ratings. My father retired from the coal business and told me that they were doing coal to gasoline in the late fifties. The problem was that the cost to do so was about 25 cents while gas was selling at the pump for about 18 cents a gallon. Not that way now! It would also take the strain off the ethanol projects. Cutting down on that to be able to maintain the corn crop to food and keeping food prices down.
     During the Economic Downturn nine million jobs were lost according to what I have read. Six million of these jobs have been replaced. But replaced with low paying (below $25,000) and part time retail jobs. Now retail is saturated. Companies are not wanting full time employees to eliminate the burden of benefits like medical, vacations and bonuses. So many retail stores carry the same made in China junk. I do not know how they are able to stay open. the same junk clothes, shoes, and well just junk.
     How about opening up a strong conservation of natural resource program. The leadership can be the college grads. Although they won't be paid a real high income. But a good livable income. Unskilled workers could also get jobs. Again at an income level that could sustain a reasonable  living. Maybe not all the latest and greatest goodies but a decent living. At least what one could do in the saturated retail sector. These people would be earning an income and paying taxes. This would take the burden off the unemployment roles. Conservation being soil, water, energy (not conserving energy by sitting on the couch), planting trees (which naturally clean the air) and countless other venues.
     Another area is infrastructure. Cities seem to find money to replace sports stadiums. But cannot keep up their water and sewer systems. somethings wrong with that. Highway bridges and the roads themselves need attention. I am amazed as to how fast these systems were built before now. Even without "modern" technology. I guess the workers weren't stopping to text someone every five minutes. Case in point is the Chesapeake Bay Bridges. The original one built in the sixties faster and as accurate as the later one with the "old" technology.
     Recycling is another area that could be greatly improved upon. It appears that we only recycle 1% of all the plastic produced. Stepping up on that in all areas of recycling would create jobs while improving the planet. Most of these jobs would not require a college degree while being able to employ people with a college degree with a leadership role and not working at a Dollar General.
     With the advent of the Affordable Care Act these folks could be provided with insurance correct? Making a living wage, paying taxes bringing down the Federal Deficit.If the program is set up correctly a lot of people (including myself) should be able to use and directed to the public health care facilities that are and have been in place for a long time. These a currently just a government job bureaucracy that keeps unrealistic hours and services. People just go to the emergency rooms at hospitals. No insurance and do not pay their bills. Can't bleed a turnip can you. The public health system already in place needs to be fixed to something that works. That is what it was designed for. Not just a place for the workers to hang out, punch the clock, have all the holidays off and go home.
     Put a cap on unwed mother benefits. One maybe two and then consider that to be the max on these programs. If a family with one working parent and one stay at home parent has another child their employer doesn't automatically give them a raise in pay. They just have to make due with what they have. Burden your own family.
     Make things in the United States. This area has a lot to do with greed of the ownership of companies. Ever try to find a pair of shoes or underwear made in the US? The owners take the factories offshore. Would you not pay $10 more for some shoes or jeans made in the US? This would also make jobs. Again not millionaire positions, but a job. Again the Affordable Care Act should help with the benefits.
     Bring back or increase the luxury taxes. These people can afford it. They raised taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Two products that are mostly used by the less wealthy. If they want to buy a $200,000 car a few more thousand shouldn't stop them. If it does they can just drive a Ford or Chevy. If you can pay $20,000 for a Rolex watch pay another $500 in luxury tax.
     Investigate non profits. Make sure they are doing what they say they do. Not just paying out most funds in administration costs.
     With these suggestions in place all of us work just have to work hard and behave. Making everything better for everyone. Kind of like what they did fifty rears ago and heretofore. 

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