Mexico has some oil that we could use to make gasoline for our cars. They could be part of the Affordable Care Act. The EPA could get busy with their factories that do not come up to standards. The dollar would be the currency for both countries.
They are experts in illegal drugs which could be made legal and taxed. Only to be used as directed. They could get a drivers license. Mexico would have to be bi lingual. US franchises could flourish and hire low income former US low wage workers that would be struggling with Spanish.
We could take our families down there to work and not have to deal with snow and bad winters. Have a bunch of kids and enjoy the hot weather. Most of us would not have to worry about getting a drivers license or insurance as we would already have one.
All the clothes and shoes we need could be made within the border. We could forget about most of the rest of the world and their problems as we should be able to be self sufficient.
Products would no longer need to be labeled assembled in Mexico. It could say made in USA. We could make the world's largest prison. Contract it out to any country willing to pay for the services.
Looks like a win win to me.
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