Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Try To Save 3, 5, 7 or 10 Dollars A Day

     What would it do for your budget if you could save just a few dollars a day. $3 gets you $90 a month. $5 gets you $150, $7 gets you $210 and $10 gets you $300. That sounds easy enough. But it can be like saying what do we do with all the starving people? Feed them, right. But it isn't so easy. A long way to go from point A to point B. 
     The most logical first choice would be luxuries. Do not go out to eat. Or at least very much. Stay out of bars. Do not shop for clothes you do not need. How about shoes? A lot of people are using this mindset as men's suits are dirt cheap (maybe they are cheap suits too) and underwear prices have went over the roof.
Cotton products have went high because that is a need people are buying and the fact that the US has given control of cotton products and manufacturing up to overseas venues.
     Habits good and not so good are another way to save money. Three dollar coffee. Five dollar cigarettes  and a ten dollar six pack will get you there. Although these may make life worth living. Lottery tickets. Energy drinks. Do they really give you energy? What is your habit weakness.
     Food is another category for savings possibility. Do you spend $10 a day for lunch? Five dollars extra for a finer cut of meat. Three dollars on a big box of cereal that you never eat. Making leftovers you never eat does not save anything. Nor does buying a barrel of something at a warehouse store that spoils before it can be used.
     Transportation costs money too. What kind of fuel mileage does you automobile get? Can you ride public transportation? Urban areas have a better public transportation systems. Smaller cities do not have very good ones or any at all. Can you walk or ride a bicycle to work?
     Silly purchases add up too. If BikeNashbar has tires on sale for $10 and I buy four that I do not need am I gaining anything? Whim purchases at stores that are not on a list add up too. How about buying things on ebay or other online venues?
     I can talk the talk but can I walk the walk? Not that well. After all I did win $45 on a couple of $1 scratch offs. It is hard to pass up a bargain and you will always run into something you need. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

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