If in this day and age if we are employed we should consider ourselves lucky. We may not be in a position that we would think the great job. But a job none the less. If I sit down and think about it every job I have had has at least one thing that was undesirable. American Heritage dictionary call a job an activity performed in exchange for payment, one performed regularly as one's trade, occupation or profession.
If you have your own business you can run it as you will. If you have employees you direct them to as how you want something done. An employee has a job.
The job that I have is in a highly customer oriented super market. They charge more for the service. Just as any other industry does. Remember the old term "you get what you pay for". They do not give you a job so they can give you money and benefits. It is an exchange. Your service for their money. Otherwise why would they need you. If they could get the task performed in some other fashion you would mot be needed.
All markets are saturated in a tough economy. My company didn't have any real players as far as high end groceries go twenty years ago. Even in a tough economy people have to eat. If you are going to start a business you would start it in something that sell. At least I hope. So if you are at the top of the heap you are the ones to take out. Conversely if you are at the bottom of the heap you have a market also. The in between stores suffer the most.
I know when I made three times as much as I make now I didn't shop at my store. Too expensive. Of course I had a lot of other priorities. I will not go into that now. Now I have came to realize the difference in stores. A lot of other things are not as important now. So I can spend a little more on better food. I do not seek the service but have came to understand the importance of service.
We are not just in the retail business. But also in the service business. Service means a lot. There is a lot of things that we can do for ourselves but elect to pay for it. That is the thrill. I do not go to a barber to get a Marine style haircut. Although it is more fun. I let go of that thrill and do it myself. Not much to work with anyway and it would be a waste. Many of our customers drive high end cars. Any ordinary cars will get you where you need to go. But they step up. They can and do enjoy the choice or better things. These consumers can go where they please.
It is then paramount that we as employees recognize that fact. We need them more than they need us. There is more choices for them to make. We want and need them to be the go to. No ifs, or and buts about it. You may have been the best before but have a tough road to hoe now.
The first think is to have a team effort. You cannot push a chain. At least very well. Everybody has to pitch in and make it better for everyone. Being a drag makes you a drag on everyone. If all folks involved helps out everybody benefits. It also makes it easier to do our job. I have made a commitment to do the best I can. over the years I have been the best at what I do. Even without being the best in looks and physical condition.. It took hard work. Not dodging things. Willing to go the extra mile to get things done.
Many times my attitude is not the best or even close. Over the years I was the best John Deere and Honda salesman in 1984 and 1985. At a Chevrolet dealership I was the best salesman in 1986, 1987 and 1988. It was not that I was better than anyone else. I just took it a step further,.
In your work environment take a little extra step to help out everyone. Not just the boss or thinking you are getting away with anything. Remember the image that you project to the customer. They really do not care about your affairs. We are just a blip on their radar. The only thing that they care about is the service that you give them. Over the years only about 1% of the people care about your personal affairs. Maybe ten per cent remember you. The only thing they want is what they want. And that is now.
So what we need to do is work together as a team, We are all in the same boat. Don't be lazy. Get the job done. Help your fellow workers. Give your manager Hell. Not really. But a little. Play the game. If you were not doing this, what else would you be doing?
Getting by happily without a large income or many material things. Being Frugal, Biking, Green, Cooking At Home, Gardening, Taking Care Of Your Home, Health And Being Happy
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
What Would Happen If The US And Mexico Merged
What would happen if the US and Mexico merged into one country. For one it would be the largest country in the Americas. All that fencing they put up could be recycled to make big fancy wheels. The Border Patrol could be integrated into police forces. It would eliminate illegal aliens.
Mexico has some oil that we could use to make gasoline for our cars. They could be part of the Affordable Care Act. The EPA could get busy with their factories that do not come up to standards. The dollar would be the currency for both countries.
They are experts in illegal drugs which could be made legal and taxed. Only to be used as directed. They could get a drivers license. Mexico would have to be bi lingual. US franchises could flourish and hire low income former US low wage workers that would be struggling with Spanish.
We could take our families down there to work and not have to deal with snow and bad winters. Have a bunch of kids and enjoy the hot weather. Most of us would not have to worry about getting a drivers license or insurance as we would already have one.
All the clothes and shoes we need could be made within the border. We could forget about most of the rest of the world and their problems as we should be able to be self sufficient.
Products would no longer need to be labeled assembled in Mexico. It could say made in USA. We could make the world's largest prison. Contract it out to any country willing to pay for the services.
Looks like a win win to me.
Work Hard And Behave
It is hard to believe all the crime in the small city I live in. Ranging from shoplifting to murder. A great deal of domestic violence. Drugs, shootings, driving without a license. Trying to sell stolen goods to pawn brokers. A sign of a poor economy.
I read today that 238,000 college grads are working jobs that do not even require a high school graduation. Like me. I myself and many others wasted a lot of time and money on college. Many people who go to school just don't need or use it. of the nine million jobs lost in the economic downturn, six million of the new jobs were low paying.
So what are the good paying jobs. The average income they say is $50,000 or about $961.54 per week. I make about half of that and a great deal of others do too. Many that work in the medical field will be impacted by the Affordable Health Act.I am sure as a lot of doctors are closing up shop. Maybe a great deal of others who work for them will be out of work too.
As being a large service type economy we need to explore other industries that will fill a need. Coal and natural gas seem to be abundant in the US. Gas is a big industry now. For years it is called a clean burning energy. Many fleet vehicles and industrial fork trucks have used natural gas for years. Before and during WW2 The Germans were making fuel out of coal. Even able to make a high grade gasoline suitable for use in aircraft requiring high octane ratings. My father retired from the coal business and told me that they were doing coal to gasoline in the late fifties. The problem was that the cost to do so was about 25 cents while gas was selling at the pump for about 18 cents a gallon. Not that way now! It would also take the strain off the ethanol projects. Cutting down on that to be able to maintain the corn crop to food and keeping food prices down.
During the Economic Downturn nine million jobs were lost according to what I have read. Six million of these jobs have been replaced. But replaced with low paying (below $25,000) and part time retail jobs. Now retail is saturated. Companies are not wanting full time employees to eliminate the burden of benefits like medical, vacations and bonuses. So many retail stores carry the same made in China junk. I do not know how they are able to stay open. the same junk clothes, shoes, and well just junk.
How about opening up a strong conservation of natural resource program. The leadership can be the college grads. Although they won't be paid a real high income. But a good livable income. Unskilled workers could also get jobs. Again at an income level that could sustain a reasonable living. Maybe not all the latest and greatest goodies but a decent living. At least what one could do in the saturated retail sector. These people would be earning an income and paying taxes. This would take the burden off the unemployment roles. Conservation being soil, water, energy (not conserving energy by sitting on the couch), planting trees (which naturally clean the air) and countless other venues.
Another area is infrastructure. Cities seem to find money to replace sports stadiums. But cannot keep up their water and sewer systems. somethings wrong with that. Highway bridges and the roads themselves need attention. I am amazed as to how fast these systems were built before now. Even without "modern" technology. I guess the workers weren't stopping to text someone every five minutes. Case in point is the Chesapeake Bay Bridges. The original one built in the sixties faster and as accurate as the later one with the "old" technology.
Recycling is another area that could be greatly improved upon. It appears that we only recycle 1% of all the plastic produced. Stepping up on that in all areas of recycling would create jobs while improving the planet. Most of these jobs would not require a college degree while being able to employ people with a college degree with a leadership role and not working at a Dollar General.
With the advent of the Affordable Care Act these folks could be provided with insurance correct? Making a living wage, paying taxes bringing down the Federal Deficit.If the program is set up correctly a lot of people (including myself) should be able to use and directed to the public health care facilities that are and have been in place for a long time. These a currently just a government job bureaucracy that keeps unrealistic hours and services. People just go to the emergency rooms at hospitals. No insurance and do not pay their bills. Can't bleed a turnip can you. The public health system already in place needs to be fixed to something that works. That is what it was designed for. Not just a place for the workers to hang out, punch the clock, have all the holidays off and go home.
Put a cap on unwed mother benefits. One maybe two and then consider that to be the max on these programs. If a family with one working parent and one stay at home parent has another child their employer doesn't automatically give them a raise in pay. They just have to make due with what they have. Burden your own family.
Make things in the United States. This area has a lot to do with greed of the ownership of companies. Ever try to find a pair of shoes or underwear made in the US? The owners take the factories offshore. Would you not pay $10 more for some shoes or jeans made in the US? This would also make jobs. Again not millionaire positions, but a job. Again the Affordable Care Act should help with the benefits.
Bring back or increase the luxury taxes. These people can afford it. They raised taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Two products that are mostly used by the less wealthy. If they want to buy a $200,000 car a few more thousand shouldn't stop them. If it does they can just drive a Ford or Chevy. If you can pay $20,000 for a Rolex watch pay another $500 in luxury tax.
Investigate non profits. Make sure they are doing what they say they do. Not just paying out most funds in administration costs.
With these suggestions in place all of us work just have to work hard and behave. Making everything better for everyone. Kind of like what they did fifty rears ago and heretofore.
As being a large service type economy we need to explore other industries that will fill a need. Coal and natural gas seem to be abundant in the US. Gas is a big industry now. For years it is called a clean burning energy. Many fleet vehicles and industrial fork trucks have used natural gas for years. Before and during WW2 The Germans were making fuel out of coal. Even able to make a high grade gasoline suitable for use in aircraft requiring high octane ratings. My father retired from the coal business and told me that they were doing coal to gasoline in the late fifties. The problem was that the cost to do so was about 25 cents while gas was selling at the pump for about 18 cents a gallon. Not that way now! It would also take the strain off the ethanol projects. Cutting down on that to be able to maintain the corn crop to food and keeping food prices down.
During the Economic Downturn nine million jobs were lost according to what I have read. Six million of these jobs have been replaced. But replaced with low paying (below $25,000) and part time retail jobs. Now retail is saturated. Companies are not wanting full time employees to eliminate the burden of benefits like medical, vacations and bonuses. So many retail stores carry the same made in China junk. I do not know how they are able to stay open. the same junk clothes, shoes, and well just junk.
How about opening up a strong conservation of natural resource program. The leadership can be the college grads. Although they won't be paid a real high income. But a good livable income. Unskilled workers could also get jobs. Again at an income level that could sustain a reasonable living. Maybe not all the latest and greatest goodies but a decent living. At least what one could do in the saturated retail sector. These people would be earning an income and paying taxes. This would take the burden off the unemployment roles. Conservation being soil, water, energy (not conserving energy by sitting on the couch), planting trees (which naturally clean the air) and countless other venues.
Another area is infrastructure. Cities seem to find money to replace sports stadiums. But cannot keep up their water and sewer systems. somethings wrong with that. Highway bridges and the roads themselves need attention. I am amazed as to how fast these systems were built before now. Even without "modern" technology. I guess the workers weren't stopping to text someone every five minutes. Case in point is the Chesapeake Bay Bridges. The original one built in the sixties faster and as accurate as the later one with the "old" technology.
Recycling is another area that could be greatly improved upon. It appears that we only recycle 1% of all the plastic produced. Stepping up on that in all areas of recycling would create jobs while improving the planet. Most of these jobs would not require a college degree while being able to employ people with a college degree with a leadership role and not working at a Dollar General.
With the advent of the Affordable Care Act these folks could be provided with insurance correct? Making a living wage, paying taxes bringing down the Federal Deficit.If the program is set up correctly a lot of people (including myself) should be able to use and directed to the public health care facilities that are and have been in place for a long time. These a currently just a government job bureaucracy that keeps unrealistic hours and services. People just go to the emergency rooms at hospitals. No insurance and do not pay their bills. Can't bleed a turnip can you. The public health system already in place needs to be fixed to something that works. That is what it was designed for. Not just a place for the workers to hang out, punch the clock, have all the holidays off and go home.
Put a cap on unwed mother benefits. One maybe two and then consider that to be the max on these programs. If a family with one working parent and one stay at home parent has another child their employer doesn't automatically give them a raise in pay. They just have to make due with what they have. Burden your own family.
Make things in the United States. This area has a lot to do with greed of the ownership of companies. Ever try to find a pair of shoes or underwear made in the US? The owners take the factories offshore. Would you not pay $10 more for some shoes or jeans made in the US? This would also make jobs. Again not millionaire positions, but a job. Again the Affordable Care Act should help with the benefits.
Bring back or increase the luxury taxes. These people can afford it. They raised taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Two products that are mostly used by the less wealthy. If they want to buy a $200,000 car a few more thousand shouldn't stop them. If it does they can just drive a Ford or Chevy. If you can pay $20,000 for a Rolex watch pay another $500 in luxury tax.
Investigate non profits. Make sure they are doing what they say they do. Not just paying out most funds in administration costs.
With these suggestions in place all of us work just have to work hard and behave. Making everything better for everyone. Kind of like what they did fifty rears ago and heretofore.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Broke The Comment Barrier
It appears to me that the comment barrier has been broken. After nearly one hundred posts I received or was able to retrieve a comment. Unless I was missing something I have heretofore not had any comments. Which I find strange. Everyone has an opinion. Has anyone been reading this?
Well this is a mile post for me. The next level. A positive comment too. Therefore henceforth I am looking forward to more comments. Even some subscribing members would be nice. I also hope that the ads are relevant and of interest.
In the meantime I will just keep banging away. Hopefully being informative and a bit entertaining too.
Well this is a mile post for me. The next level. A positive comment too. Therefore henceforth I am looking forward to more comments. Even some subscribing members would be nice. I also hope that the ads are relevant and of interest.
In the meantime I will just keep banging away. Hopefully being informative and a bit entertaining too.
The Still Of The Night
This evening I stayed up a little later than usual. I walked outside and it was really still. Only the drone of air conditioning units whirling away. A few bugs making noise. The sky must be cloudy as I could see no stars or planets. No moon. But still nice. Quiet can be calming. Get my mind off the things that upset me that day.
Helps you to realize that things are not that bad. We all have our idiosyncrasies.The world isn't perfect. Neither am I.
Helps you to realize that things are not that bad. We all have our idiosyncrasies.The world isn't perfect. Neither am I.
Maintaining A Decent Attitude
I try and fail many times to keep a good attitude. What is a good attitude. Being nice. Working hard. A positive behavior, Dealing with a difficult task or customer can erode your attitude. That is to be expected. More then anything for me is people who are more or less treating me as being or tantamount to stupid. Acting busy when they can being helping everybody as if we were a team. Not running away acting busy with something else or dragging out an easy job to prevent them from doing something less pleasant.
Am I the only one who sees this? Is it in my head? How come the managers do not act as if they see it? I got a bit down today. I will try to not let it get me down tomorrow. I say something to them and at best get a smirk as they know what they are doing. Although it effects me I will try to act as if it doesn't.
Am I the only one who sees this? Is it in my head? How come the managers do not act as if they see it? I got a bit down today. I will try to not let it get me down tomorrow. I say something to them and at best get a smirk as they know what they are doing. Although it effects me I will try to act as if it doesn't.
Try To Save 3, 5, 7 or 10 Dollars A Day
What would it do for your budget if you could save just a few dollars a day. $3 gets you $90 a month. $5 gets you $150, $7 gets you $210 and $10 gets you $300. That sounds easy enough. But it can be like saying what do we do with all the starving people? Feed them, right. But it isn't so easy. A long way to go from point A to point B.
The most logical first choice would be luxuries. Do not go out to eat. Or at least very much. Stay out of bars. Do not shop for clothes you do not need. How about shoes? A lot of people are using this mindset as men's suits are dirt cheap (maybe they are cheap suits too) and underwear prices have went over the roof.
Cotton products have went high because that is a need people are buying and the fact that the US has given control of cotton products and manufacturing up to overseas venues.
Habits good and not so good are another way to save money. Three dollar coffee. Five dollar cigarettes and a ten dollar six pack will get you there. Although these may make life worth living. Lottery tickets. Energy drinks. Do they really give you energy? What is your habit weakness.
Food is another category for savings possibility. Do you spend $10 a day for lunch? Five dollars extra for a finer cut of meat. Three dollars on a big box of cereal that you never eat. Making leftovers you never eat does not save anything. Nor does buying a barrel of something at a warehouse store that spoils before it can be used.
Transportation costs money too. What kind of fuel mileage does you automobile get? Can you ride public transportation? Urban areas have a better public transportation systems. Smaller cities do not have very good ones or any at all. Can you walk or ride a bicycle to work?
Silly purchases add up too. If BikeNashbar has tires on sale for $10 and I buy four that I do not need am I gaining anything? Whim purchases at stores that are not on a list add up too. How about buying things on ebay or other online venues?
I can talk the talk but can I walk the walk? Not that well. After all I did win $45 on a couple of $1 scratch offs. It is hard to pass up a bargain and you will always run into something you need. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
Cotton products have went high because that is a need people are buying and the fact that the US has given control of cotton products and manufacturing up to overseas venues.
Habits good and not so good are another way to save money. Three dollar coffee. Five dollar cigarettes and a ten dollar six pack will get you there. Although these may make life worth living. Lottery tickets. Energy drinks. Do they really give you energy? What is your habit weakness.
Food is another category for savings possibility. Do you spend $10 a day for lunch? Five dollars extra for a finer cut of meat. Three dollars on a big box of cereal that you never eat. Making leftovers you never eat does not save anything. Nor does buying a barrel of something at a warehouse store that spoils before it can be used.
Transportation costs money too. What kind of fuel mileage does you automobile get? Can you ride public transportation? Urban areas have a better public transportation systems. Smaller cities do not have very good ones or any at all. Can you walk or ride a bicycle to work?
Silly purchases add up too. If BikeNashbar has tires on sale for $10 and I buy four that I do not need am I gaining anything? Whim purchases at stores that are not on a list add up too. How about buying things on ebay or other online venues?
I can talk the talk but can I walk the walk? Not that well. After all I did win $45 on a couple of $1 scratch offs. It is hard to pass up a bargain and you will always run into something you need. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
Iron Skillets, Kitchen Tools And Frugality
In the spirit of frugality, green and low income cooking and eating at home is a big factor. Barring takeout cooking is your option at home. You will obviously need a home. You will need one with a kitchen. You will need pots and pans. A few kitchen tools. A couple of knives are all you need. A paring knife and one chef's knife. A turner, a ladle, tongs, a measuring cup, a strainer, a grader, a wooden spoon, a slotted spoon, a whisk (not whiskey although I have done some wonderful creations with this kitchen tool), fork, cutting board (wood or plastic) and thermometer.
When we start out we all get one of those packages that come with all the pots and pans you need. Most of the time they are junk. The same way with knives. How about the non stick skillet. Works well for a little while and then they start flaking off. I did pick up a 10 inch Calphalon skillet at a yard sale for $2. Probably at least $40 retail. It is non stick and is good for like eggs and stuff like that. It is even made in Toledo, Ohio. I think that is in the United States. With non stick though a plastic utensil is a must. Good stainless steel pots and pans work too. My mother uses today the same copper bottom and stainless pots and pans she got in the late 1950's. Of course she takes very good care of things.
To be versatile and on a budget start out with an iron skillet. Get the 12 inch one. Get a lid too if one is available. It adds a lot of flexibility. Get a cast iron Dutch Oven too. Hopefully the same size as the skillet. Then you have a lid for both. I say a 12 inch because you can cook small portions in a large pan but you cannot cook large things in a small pan. I had a yearning for a small iron skillet for a Christmas present a few years ago and have not used it much. It is an 8 inch one without a lid. As far as sauce pans go. You can go with a little less quality in stainless for now if you are on a budget. For years I have used a Tramontina 6 and 8 inch sauce pans with good luck. It also came with a 10 inch stainless skillet. As a treat to myself several years ago I got a large stock pot set with a steamer, pasta cooler and lid for about $40 of heavy construction of the same brand as mentioned before. these were purchased from Walmart. They have worked well. the iron skillets I have also came from Walmart and are of the Lodge brand. Made in the USA and built to last. If you get one of these you will know why the iron skillet was the weapon of choice for housewives for years First of all if you can swing of of these with authority I probably wouldn't want to mess with you anyway. The iron skillet will take high heat and be used in the oven as to make cornbread.
Knives are another must. But not as many as you think you would need. Again we all start out with the knife block thing with 25 of all the knives you would ever need. If you only wanted them for decoration. As they are generally worthless. I cannot tell you how many knives I have bought over the years. Only a few have been keepers. A couple of the grocery store brand ones that looked promising are still in the drawer as I am unable to get them sharp enough to be useful. Although they look and feel like a Henkel. A wooden handle pure carbon steel knife from years ago is my go to as it sharpens well and will hold an edge. An old Chicago Cutlery knife from years ago was and still is a good knife. Only to be disappointed by one purchased years ago on ebay. About on par with the grocery store ones that just will not sharpen. Got on a Rada kick a few years ago and got a paring, 6 and 8 inch chefs knives from there. They are American made and sharp. The chefs knives however feel kind of flimsy and give a fingernail on the chalkboard feeling on the cutting board. I am however giving another whirl since they are there. Henkel, Wusthoff and Victorinox ( the Swiss Army knife people) are good brands. They are however expensive. A quick peek on the internet found starter sets of Henkel and Wusthoffs over $100 for a two piece paring and chef knives. While the Victorinox starting at $49.95 ($50). We use these at work and are good knives.
The rest of the above mentioned tools can be purchased at a dollar store and will work. So all you have to do now is start cooking. Easy stuff at first. And then get more adventurous.Cooking at home will teach you something. Save you money and give you a frugal thing to do.
When we start out we all get one of those packages that come with all the pots and pans you need. Most of the time they are junk. The same way with knives. How about the non stick skillet. Works well for a little while and then they start flaking off. I did pick up a 10 inch Calphalon skillet at a yard sale for $2. Probably at least $40 retail. It is non stick and is good for like eggs and stuff like that. It is even made in Toledo, Ohio. I think that is in the United States. With non stick though a plastic utensil is a must. Good stainless steel pots and pans work too. My mother uses today the same copper bottom and stainless pots and pans she got in the late 1950's. Of course she takes very good care of things.
To be versatile and on a budget start out with an iron skillet. Get the 12 inch one. Get a lid too if one is available. It adds a lot of flexibility. Get a cast iron Dutch Oven too. Hopefully the same size as the skillet. Then you have a lid for both. I say a 12 inch because you can cook small portions in a large pan but you cannot cook large things in a small pan. I had a yearning for a small iron skillet for a Christmas present a few years ago and have not used it much. It is an 8 inch one without a lid. As far as sauce pans go. You can go with a little less quality in stainless for now if you are on a budget. For years I have used a Tramontina 6 and 8 inch sauce pans with good luck. It also came with a 10 inch stainless skillet. As a treat to myself several years ago I got a large stock pot set with a steamer, pasta cooler and lid for about $40 of heavy construction of the same brand as mentioned before. these were purchased from Walmart. They have worked well. the iron skillets I have also came from Walmart and are of the Lodge brand. Made in the USA and built to last. If you get one of these you will know why the iron skillet was the weapon of choice for housewives for years First of all if you can swing of of these with authority I probably wouldn't want to mess with you anyway. The iron skillet will take high heat and be used in the oven as to make cornbread.
Knives are another must. But not as many as you think you would need. Again we all start out with the knife block thing with 25 of all the knives you would ever need. If you only wanted them for decoration. As they are generally worthless. I cannot tell you how many knives I have bought over the years. Only a few have been keepers. A couple of the grocery store brand ones that looked promising are still in the drawer as I am unable to get them sharp enough to be useful. Although they look and feel like a Henkel. A wooden handle pure carbon steel knife from years ago is my go to as it sharpens well and will hold an edge. An old Chicago Cutlery knife from years ago was and still is a good knife. Only to be disappointed by one purchased years ago on ebay. About on par with the grocery store ones that just will not sharpen. Got on a Rada kick a few years ago and got a paring, 6 and 8 inch chefs knives from there. They are American made and sharp. The chefs knives however feel kind of flimsy and give a fingernail on the chalkboard feeling on the cutting board. I am however giving another whirl since they are there. Henkel, Wusthoff and Victorinox ( the Swiss Army knife people) are good brands. They are however expensive. A quick peek on the internet found starter sets of Henkel and Wusthoffs over $100 for a two piece paring and chef knives. While the Victorinox starting at $49.95 ($50). We use these at work and are good knives.
The rest of the above mentioned tools can be purchased at a dollar store and will work. So all you have to do now is start cooking. Easy stuff at first. And then get more adventurous.Cooking at home will teach you something. Save you money and give you a frugal thing to do.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Shaving Part 2
I had an older post on Shaving. I use the old Gillette safety razors. I haven't had too much trouble finding blades for them. i went to Walmart the other day and could not find them. I do not know if they were out or just quit carrying them. I am going to get some on ebay. Stock up so if they are not going to be in stores I will not worry. The only other place i have seen them is at Walgreens and they were expensive.
One other thought on shaving cream. I got some of the kind Dollar Tree sells and it wasn't very good. I know there are better ones but I had had good luck with Barbasol.
Again Walmart seemed to rearrange the shaving section and decided the $2 safety razor blades were taking up space where they could have the $15 modern type.
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