Getting by happily without a large income or many material things. Being Frugal, Biking, Green, Cooking At Home, Gardening, Taking Care Of Your Home, Health And Being Happy
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Worrying About Things That Don't Matter
I tend to worry about things that don't matter. At least not to anyone else but me. I guess that is OK. It just wastes time on things you could be doing that are more productive. It is a diversion. A way of not getting something done that needs to be done. Dodging something. We all have a task that needs to be done but for some reason do anything else but that. Then I will waste time on something that in reality doesn't mean a thing. Look at stuff on ebay I do not need. Watch TV. Look at the same old magizines. Look at the same web sites for buying something I do not need. When I really need to clean house, do laundry, balance the checkbook or any number of things that need to be done. Then I see people get all tangled up in the news. Much or all of it cannot be changed by them or even effect them. We are just winding down one war and the news is trying to get us into another one. Only a week later to condem the government for getting into it after pushing them to. I did check to see if I could find who killed the 89 year old man in Washington. It was two black teens who said he was chumping them on a cocaine deal. Where is Al Sharpten, Jesse and Obama now? Maybe this does matter. Things are getting out of hand. If I received a lot of entitlements I do not beleive these are counted as income. So I would be in a low income bracket while having a lot of things it takes an income to buy. And not have to pay taxes. i guess I am worrying about things that don't matter. Raising the minimum wage to $15 would be a great big raise to me. It would be great in the short run. But I beleive that it would cause massive inflation, layoffs and a more for companies to move to more if not total automation. Besides most of the people getting the low wages are already getting subsidised or free housing. Food stamps, free cell phones, free medical. Making their income tantamont or even better then mine making a little over minimum wage. So if we get the big wage increase will they want to give up the entitlements? If that is the case it may be good for the country and economy. Because they will be paying a lot more in income tax and not be getting massive tax credits and refunds. That would lower the decifit. But the terminally unemployed will remain so. And continue to be a burden on society. While commiting a lot of crime because they have too much time on their hands. We should impliment a massive recycling program where our waste in landfills could be cut but at least 50%. I seen on TV yesterday that only 1% of plastic is recycled and is ending up in the ocean and in fish. That would be a job sector that could employ practicly anyone and do the world a great good. It may seem that I am getting off the the theme of Worrying About Things That Don't Matter. Because the things I have just mentioned do matter. A lot more that stupid pro sports thing. A lot more then some dumb deversion I am using to take my mind off things. Hey and give me the $15 an hour and I will wear work clothes and sort the plastic and not have to put up with the greif from people getting something for nothing that I do. The state of the economy is not that big of a deal to the upper middle class and rich now. And may never be. But if it starts to have a bad effect on them as it has on anyone earning less then $30K per year they might be a bit more concerned.
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