Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Being Like A Kid Again

About eight years ago I sort of if not started to revert to a lot of childhood pleasures. First I got back into bicyling. Got the old bike going again. Bought a cheap bike at Walmart. This used to be my transportation when I was younger. Started out slow. Built up over time as this became my primary transportation. Started getting a few more bikes and learned or relearned how to work on them. Then I thought about trains. I have always liked trains anyway. I had a Lionel set my uncle got for me. I left it with my old girlfriend's grandson. So I started buying all this train stuff on ebay. Just sort of hunted and pecked. Went with HO when I had O scale before. Got a 4x8 peice of plywood and put it on my dinning table. It is still there now. I go through phases were I use it and others were it sits for months unused. As I go through kicks. Then I started to go back to persimonin woods for golf. Blade irons like I used to use. The way I play the highest dollar stuff and the old stuff doesn't effect my play or score that much. Then also made it a point to walk. Then the complex that I live in converted half of their large tennis courts into a basketball court. So then I needed a basketball. Nothing too tough. Just trying to make a basket. Got back into TV again. Didn't really watch much as I was out there running around to see what I was missing or who was missing me. Zero in both of these counts. Why go out running around when you know you are going to end up at home watching TV by yourself? Cut to the chase and just go home and watch TV. Also not even trying to hit on girls again. It was a waste of time and a still a waste of time as they are not attracted to me becoause I am just a crazy nerd. Why bother putting your heart, soul and money into something that isn't going to happen? Plus. I am 53 years old. All the women my age are mostly old bags with baggage. Who wants that? Granted I am no prize either. No hot 25 year olds chasing me either. I am not the "most interesting man in the world" in the XX beer ad. He may be or not be. Chances are he's just some old dude like me that has nothing and just got lucky for the commercial to make other old dudes to think they can get all these hot young chicks if they drink that beer and have a good story.

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