Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thank You For Basic Cable And Internet

     For over the last month or so I have been spending a lot more time at home doing very little. I just haven't felt like doing anything. The anythings that I do would not seem like much to most people. Just regular chores.Cooking. Maintaining the bicycles. Cleaning work shoes. Playing with my model railroad. Ebay. Bike riding. Ebay (looking to buy or sell). Reading. I usually like to walk nine holes of golf once or twice a week. This is inexpensive at about $7 in the summertime here in Florida where I play. All of these things  that seem boring to most are my fun as I have a low threshold of excitement.
     This would seem like self-imposed home incarceration to a lot of people I suppose. Using a golf club as a cane to limp around my little apartment I have still been able to remain amused. According to the surgeon I will be limping around for the next several days at least I am truly ready to get moving again as I have a hard time sitting still. When I stand the blood seems to rush to my right leg and really hurts. It has given me new insight for the handicapped people who are not in this situation temporarily. Then later I can clean and redress the point of surgery. Still trying to figure out the best way to do this. A hot bathtub isn't.
     This off time gives me time to reflect on the good things. The dumb things I have done and what I am going to do about it. When else would I have taken the time to strip an old laptop down to original and update it with eight years of programs and updates? Catching up on TV. I mean really catching up on TV as on work days I do not watch it during the day. A treat for my off day you know. Not a sports watcher or network watcher my choices are further condensed then the basic cable I have.
     But that's OK. I can read. Sit and think. Cook something as one still need to eat. Clean up after that. All of which is a bit of a physical challenge at this juncture. That adds excitement doesn't it. Well thank you for my Internet and cable. It keeps me busy.

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