Sunday, July 7, 2013

Breaking Monthly Expenses Down To Hours And Days

     Most of us break our expenses down in monthly amounts in dollars. And in a perfect world we have a reserve in the checking account. Pay the bills and move on. A lot of us live close to their maximun budget. So to put things into perspective, Let's break some major expenses down to hours and days.
     I am going to use round hypothetical numbers for illistration and simplicity. You make $10 per hour. After deductions you are $7.50 per hour. Rent is $500 per month. It takes 66.7 hours or 8.34 days to pay the rent. Auto payment is $200. 26.7 hours or 3.34 days. Auto insurance is $100. That's 13.34 hours or 1.67 days to pay. Electric, phone and cable $50 each. That breaks down to 6.7 hours or .84 days each to pay. So for every $100 you spend it takes 13.34 hours or 1.67 days of work to make the expense.
     Most of us work 40 hour weeks or 160 hour months. So at $10 an hour that's $1600 gross pay or $1200 net pay (the money you bring home). So I believe this is where the term "not enough hours in the day" comes from. We run out of  hours and days.
     If you push your budget to the max (as I and most Americans do) little or large unexpected expenses can put you in a bad position quickly. You can go along real good for a long while. A couple mis-steps can then come up and hurt you badly.
     I seem to do it again and again. Perhaps a post on insanity in the future.

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