After many years of woking on my feet I know the importance of good shoes. If your feet do not feel good you will not feel good. If you can spend money on any part of your dress, make it your shoes. I have went with Shoes For Crews for a long time. This is what my company required. Now other brands are allowed. I have tried Sketchers because I bought them at a "deal" on Ebay. They have been good also. Not as slip resistant as Shoes For Crews. But OK. I have not found another brand as slip resistant as Shoes For Crews. Have had some durability problems with the lower end shoes. They did replace them. It takes some time. But I have more time than money.
I get my shoes wet and dirty. They look like crap. The heavier oxford type hold up the best. But they are heavy. The lighter ones are much more comfortable on a long shift. But do not hold up as well. We are now allowed to wear any brand that says slip resistant. So far I am sticking with SFC.
My day is hard enough as it is. A good fitting comfortable shoe helps.
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