The old saying goes "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Still holds true. I beleive that some folks are just out to make trouble.This evening a woman came in about five o'clock and asked why I didn't have any hot and spicey wings ready. I had my chicken case full of fryed and rotisserie chicken. My best sellers and on sale for dinner. As I told the same woman (notice I didn't say lady) I would be glad to cook her some. As I did last week. She blew up and wanted to talk to the manager. OK. I'll get the manager. So she whinned to him on and on as I was cooking the wings. So he told me to give her the wings. As I did.
Then she goes up front to the store manager and complains to her. Who knows what else she got for free. Probably a gift certificate or something. The manager and myself got in trouble over nothing. Had I not explained that the rotisserie chickens were on sale and I had the fryed ready for dinner I could see why she my get upset. Had I not offer to cook some for her (as I did before when she was in) she may get upset.
Someone please give me some feedback on this. What would you do? I didn't blow her off. The manager spent time listening to her concerns. I prepared the product for her in a timely fashion. He gave it to her for free. What else could we have done? Is this person a scammer or just mentally ill? I have many customers that call in for wings as they are a secondary product. Most people want them cooked fresh. As we do as a service. Everybody wants something. Sometimes we want something different. Is it worth the wait? I guess it is when you can figure out a way to get it for free and get a couple of hard working bottom feeders in trouble too for an extra kick!
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