Thursday, April 18, 2013

Once It's Done It's Done

     I think that all of us do not understand the concerpt or truism that once it's done it's done. Past tense. History. Water under the bridge. Spilled milk. Can't go back. ETC. In many cases it can be retifyed. But it will now however dissapear. In many cases it it permanant. Can't be rectifyed. Done.
     I wonder if in these cases of crazy shootings, bombings and other violent acts the the ones that do it think that is some movie, TV or video game where you can just start over. Do they not realize that these acts are real and permanant? Do they think that it is some kind of TV show that the actor gets killed and is seen a couple of weeks later on another show? Do they think it is some kind of computer game where you get reloads and extra lives? Do they have a grip on reality?
     I may stand to be corrected, but I feel that most of us in modern times have a much easier life then people who have lived in the past. And it is showing in society in laziness and obesity. People used to have to work hard. I know that my present job has me at the apex of my output. I am at wits with myself as to how I can go harder, faster and better. I feel a lot of folks want easier, slower, good enough at best. So they can get back to their cell phones. Get on with what is important.
     What is in the minds of these shooters and killers? If things are so bad just commit suiside. Take your self out and don't bother anyone else. Or do you feel that it is your right  to drag someone else with you? I for one do not think it is your right. So if you are so frustratied. Just kill youself. We will see you obltuary in the paper and you will get your fifteen minutes of fame.

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