Sunday, April 28, 2013

Get Your Bike Ready To Ride! Check Out

     I have enough bicyles around to last if I live to eighty and rode one every day. I have a lot of bike lights. Come in very handy at night riding home from work. You must see and be seen. Although sometimes being seen makes an easier target for the yahoo driver. Sorry for the sacasim. But even if you only ride in the daytime a light will help you be seen to the nice drivers!
     Been riding to work and around to where I need to go. Have only put 1500 miles on the automobile  in the last six months. Try that. You however may live farther to work than I do. You may also like to "get out and around". From what I see though is that a lot of people seem to spend most of their time in a two, five or ten mile radius. All reachable on a bicyle.
     I am no racer. Move along about ten of fifteen miles an hour at best. Yesterday I seen a guy in spadex riding a racing bike through the shopping plaza I work at twenty-five or thirty miles an hour. Glad no one was backing out of a parking spot. He would have been hurt very badly. Guess that is his kick. If he knew how bad it hurts to get backed over by a Buick or Mercury, he would slow down!
     Not only do I have more bikes than I need. I have all these tires. Most real bicycle people would think them not worthy of saving. But I do. They are not totally gone. I just get bored with them. I know that people with social skills do not have this problem. I do. There is a pragmatic twist to this. Tires really affect the way a bike rides. I have been going though a construction zone for a year. Certain tires do not fair well in certain conditions. So I switch to what works.
     I have several sets of tires that have never seen the sunlight. I have sets that I have taken off because I have had a flat and just chenged to others that I have for that bike. Some folks could only wish that they had such problems.
     Anyway. My freind offered me a set of Michelin City Plus tires. They are bullitproof. They did not fair well in the construction zone due to their road nature. I returned them to him. After giving him the $40 or so of the $70 he paid for them. They do however look new.
     So I am thinking about bicyle tires again. I get on bikenashbar, performance bikes, and universal. I guess I really don't have much to do. Anyway. Bike Nashbar has a deal going on now for their house brand tires. Fifty percent off. I have Nasbar tires on the mountain bike (Streetwise replacing five year old Tiara City Slickers still in good shape but had a flat and chnged out). The mountain is a Trek 800. Nashbar Transition I bought on a whim because they were only $5 apeice on closeout with Kevlar. These replaced the Michelins my freind said he didn't need. At least he only has $30  in them now.
     I just ordered 2 700x35 Steetwise for the hybrid or old Raleiegh I switched to 700s. And a set of Nashbar Comfort tires. 700x32 (which I am told run narrow). So I have four tires coming in the mail. Nothing more exciting than getting something in the mail. Nashbar also has some great prices on tubes. Four tires for $ 30 and some change. That included shipping and taxes. I do not mind paying taxes. Do you? They will charge you tax.
      So anyway. I am anouisly awaiting my shipment of tires that I could have lived without. But I will have them anyway. Paid for. In the bank. As far as lights go I like Cateye. There are better. But I just found a Cateye EL 410 on Ebay. I bought it. This is a good light. Waterproof to fifty meters. I won't care much if I get in fifty meters of water. But in a rainstorm or 10 feet that would be nice.
     If you do not have to be brand concious. Try the Nashbar. They aren't bad!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Taxing Taxables

     Yesterday on NPR radio I heard of a bill to tax internet transactions. A lot of the things that I have bought over the internet have been taxed. I guess that this is fair. I would have paid tax on it anyway if I bought it somewhere else. Taxes are to generate revenue and pay and support government services.
     Here is a rub though. If I were to buy a taxable item on EBT, SNAP, food stamps or whatever you call it I do not pay taxes on taxable items. I feel that state governments are missing out on deseverved revenue here. It would be like a little federal subsity. Let's say you go to the grocery. You have a hundred dollars to spend. If you buy only non taxable items you do not pay sales tax. But if you do, you pay sales tax. Why should EBT be any different? I see them buy cakes, sub sandwiches, party platters, "coldpacked" meats and chicken with this service. They pay no sales tax. But as a cash buyer you would.
     We all have a certain amount to spend. And if you spend it on taxable items it should be taxed. Whether you pay by cash, check, debit or EBT. I know that this reduces the spending power of EBT. It also reduces the spending power of cash. What is fair is fair.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bicycle Commuting

     I am proud. I have rode a bicycle to work for twelve of the last fourteen  days. Can you say that. That is green. Sometimes it makes my legs hurt. But in the end they feel better. I am not thinking that if you have to go ten miles to your work you shouldn't drive. But it you live close get out that old bicycle. I have found that my two mile ride is within two minutes of each over if I ride a bicycle instead of driving.
     You look at the magazine rack at the store. Here are all thse $10,000 bikes with models riding them. This is fantasy. Get you an old beater and ride. Go to where you want to go on your old bike. Close at first. Then you will find yourself going further. Not overnight. But over time. Then you will find this a viable peice of transportation. Faster than walking. Almost as fast or faster than a car in many situations.
     Don't be afraid. Start out slow, build up. You will find that this is a nice experience that you will like on and on. You are however exposed. So find some kind of weapon that you can manage. There are desperate people out there who will try to mess up your parade. Take them out. There are also nice people too. They do still exist. Have fun. Get your exercise. Go where you want. Save at least 25% on your gas bill,

Once It's Done It's Done

     I think that all of us do not understand the concerpt or truism that once it's done it's done. Past tense. History. Water under the bridge. Spilled milk. Can't go back. ETC. In many cases it can be retifyed. But it will now however dissapear. In many cases it it permanant. Can't be rectifyed. Done.
     I wonder if in these cases of crazy shootings, bombings and other violent acts the the ones that do it think that is some movie, TV or video game where you can just start over. Do they not realize that these acts are real and permanant? Do they think that it is some kind of TV show that the actor gets killed and is seen a couple of weeks later on another show? Do they think it is some kind of computer game where you get reloads and extra lives? Do they have a grip on reality?
     I may stand to be corrected, but I feel that most of us in modern times have a much easier life then people who have lived in the past. And it is showing in society in laziness and obesity. People used to have to work hard. I know that my present job has me at the apex of my output. I am at wits with myself as to how I can go harder, faster and better. I feel a lot of folks want easier, slower, good enough at best. So they can get back to their cell phones. Get on with what is important.
     What is in the minds of these shooters and killers? If things are so bad just commit suiside. Take your self out and don't bother anyone else. Or do you feel that it is your right  to drag someone else with you? I for one do not think it is your right. So if you are so frustratied. Just kill youself. We will see you obltuary in the paper and you will get your fifteen minutes of fame.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Squeaky Wheel

     The old saying goes "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Still holds true. I beleive that some folks are just out to make trouble.This evening a woman came in about five o'clock and asked why I didn't have any hot and spicey wings ready. I had my chicken case full of fryed and rotisserie chicken. My best sellers and on sale for dinner. As I told the same woman (notice I didn't say lady) I would be glad to cook her some. As I did last week. She blew up and wanted to talk to the manager. OK. I'll get the manager. So she whinned to him on and on as I was cooking the wings. So he told me to give her the wings. As I did.
     Then she goes up front to the store manager and complains to her. Who knows what else she got for free. Probably a gift certificate or something. The manager and myself got in trouble over nothing. Had I not explained that the rotisserie  chickens were on sale and I had the fryed ready for dinner I could see why she my get upset. Had I not offer to cook some for her (as I did before when she was in) she may get upset.
     Someone please give me some feedback on this. What would you do? I didn't blow her off. The manager spent time listening to her concerns. I prepared the product for her in a timely fashion. He gave it to her for free. What else could we have done? Is this person a scammer or just mentally ill? I have many customers that call in for wings as they are a secondary product. Most people want them cooked fresh. As we do as a service. Everybody wants something. Sometimes we want something different. Is it worth the wait? I guess it is when you can figure out a way to get it for free and get a couple of hard working bottom feeders in trouble too for an extra kick!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welfare State

     Over the years I have heard talk of a welfare state. I really didn't understand what this means. As with a lot of things. As I ride the twenty year old bicycle  to work I observe the parking lot. Many high end cars running around out there. What is up with this? I thought this was a bad economy. As one man's junk is another's treasure is the rule. There are people doing well in this economy. Others are just getting by.
     What is the difference? I see everyybody with cell phones. I see most driving cars. A lot are obese. It is not nice now to call them fat. Over time I have concluded that fat people are fat because they are lazy and eat too much or are greedy, May not be a fact. Just my veiw over the years.
     The only advantage that I can think of is giving people something is to prevent them from stealing something. It's a whole lot easier to sit at home and guard the TV then it is to steal something and try to cash in on it, Some people are still trying this according to my local  paper. So we are giving people everything they need so they will not violently take it. But not work for it. So feed me, not make me work, have all the time in the world, to just do what I wnat.
     Can't beat that. Sounds like a plan. Bleed this country of all the weath that people worked hard to make. Just come in and be a butt. Get something else for free. Because you want to be free. Or live for free. Why work? That takes times away from the other things that you want to do.
     The budget that was during the Clinton years was a direct result of the Bush and Reagan years. He just coasted. The tech thing. No debt. Good time to be Pres.
     One thing about it is we as people do not want to loose what we have. No matter how much or how little.We try to preserve and maintain. We can always try to get a little more. The lawsuit. Fear of or threat of a lawsuit. He looked at me wrong. They said something back after I treated them like dirt. You can't do that. I have the right to treat them like dirt. I am a customer who paying for this somehow. But I would rather not spend my money or foodstamps on this when I can threaten the company and get whatever or maybe more for free.
     When I was little on the playground a tattletail was the worst person. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's not the way it is now. Companies are on pins and needles trying not to get sued. What ever happened to if you didn't like the way you treated somewhere that you just go somewhere else? Well if you are not treated right everywhere the common demoninator might be you. You however are not a nasty person. You are just trying to get something else for free. It is your right!
     I see people park in the handicapped spot. Some have a handicapped license plate. Others have that little tag thing they hang on their mirror. That way you don't have to ride around in your Escalade with that old handicapped tag all the time. They get out of their car and look and move like they could run a marathon. They do not care that some amputee may pull in behind them who really needs to use that spot. They don't care because their behavior is within their rights.
     This behavior by people puts undo pressure on companies and employees. It drives up prices and contributes to health problems and general unhappiness to the people who are trying to get by honestly. What is your behavior? Look in the mirror.

Monday, April 1, 2013


     For about eight years now I have been shaving with an aray of old Gillette safety razors.I started this from my favorite blog. The Simple Dollar. I do not know if Trent is still using one. But I like them. I started out with my grandfather's old razor. A 1960. Hey, the year I was born. All Gillettes made after about 1951 have a date code on them. That's how I know it is a 1960. I have since aquired a couple more.
     These shavers are quality built. With a little maintainance will last a lifetime. Made in the USA. They require a safety blade. Which I have been able to find in drug stores, Walmart, Publix and on the internet. I have found most blades availible of good quality. Usually getting from three to four weeks out of a single blade. Now growing up in the sixties and seventies I seen shaving tech change a lot. Trac Two, Trac Three, Trac Eight etc. Also the event of the disposable shaver. Good News, Bic and others. That's what I used in the eighties. Maybe they were better. I did have girl friends then! It couldn't be that I am just old, ugly and ornery now.
     I went the electric shaver route for a while. I found that they just mash the whiskers down. Burn your skin. End up with zits from the ingrown hairs. The shavers require charging.The screens wear out. Which I found costly to replace. I threw away the electric shavers that I had. Not willing to buy replacement parts, new shavers or charge them anymore. They had there place.There place now is been in the trash. I guess I should have recycled them in some fashion. Again, I'm not too bright.
     These Gillettes are readily available on Ebay. The price have climbed. As they are collectable to some folks.  They are also very usable. As time goes on I have figured out that they had it figued out a long time ago. Get one. Pay the price. Don't buy a peice of junk. There are many nice ones still left. Use it. Enjoy it. It will last a lifetime.  

More TV Stuff.

     In the long dark deep past our TV channel options were certainly limited. We had the big three networks. NBC, CBS and ABC. VHS (channels 2-13) and UHF (14-84 or so). Seems like that would leave plenty of room for tons of channels. Which it did. You had an antenna and picked up the signal over the air. I am not totally convinced that this was not a good system. The big three covered the nation via networks. Local channels that broadcast the same thing at the same time. It worked like a charm. And if you were lucky there was a local UHF station that played a bunch of old reruns and old movies. There was also a PBS station. They carried a lot of subjects that weren't on networks. Educational television.
     The bad thing is that the picture quality was directly related to you proximity to the transmitter. Some stations came in nice and clear. Others were fuzzy. You could adjust your antenna to optimize your reception. We now have the upgraded TV that we can receive with an antenna. I still have cable. Got hooked on a few of the cable channels. As they are not networks they are only availible through cable or some other form. All the channels come in consistantly in sound and picture quality. If you don't go with all the bells and whistles the price can be pretty fair.
     Check with your local cable and see if they have a bottom package. You can keep the quality picture and sound. You have to give up some of the specialty channels. But still have many more choices than years ago. I do not use many of the channels I have now. But I do enjoy my favorites. All of which are not availible with a digital receiver box. I guess that it is not hip to admit that I like TV. After a hard days work I like nothing better than to have my ice cream watching a cool old movie on Turner Classics. I'll just fall asleep on the couch. Not bothering a soul. I hope!