Hello folks. I am trying to get this blog off the ground. I guess that I need to have something interesting to say to get a following. I wrote some decent essays in elementary, high school and college. Hopefully I can pick up the torch and carry on now.
I work at a major grocery store. I have a job that is a lot more demanding than I bargined for. I thought that people that do not make much money didn't do much either. I was wrong. So hard work doesn't mean that you make more money. I also work for an hourly wage. I haven't done that since the early eighties. This means a few different things. Someone that doesn't work as hard or do as much can make more money than you do because they have a higher wage rate. This is antagonizing because for several years of working on commision or work the harder or faster made more money. This system lets the slackers look busy without really being effective or productive. You can just get by with doing the least amount. Get paid. Leave whatever needs to be done to the rest. Making them "it" as far as finnishing a project or task and go home laughing at the dummies you stuck.
Previously I could touch, feel, see, talk to or run with my employers. In the corporate world of layers of hierarchies this is moot. You have one of many supervisors (of which I have had without a high school diploma) who are generally only interested in their own best interest. It is not right, wrong or indifferent. Just cover your a##. Things are only important when they are brought to the spotlight. They mess with your routine. Throw you off. The companies are so afaid of being sued. Pick the lowest fruit. Stick the dummies. Come out ahead at the end.
The major thing for me (and I am still fighting it) is to forget about it. Let your conscious be your guide. People that are used to it Know how to work the system. Companies have worked it into the plan. Don't be a dummy like me and get upset about it. Fighting windmills.
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