Saturday, July 30, 2016

What Ever Happened To Saving Energy?

     Remember when saving energy was on every ones mind. It started in the mid 1970s. But we needed some kind of concern as the Vietnam War had ended. Inflation was on the rise. Environmental issues became paramount. 
     Set your thermostat to a higher temperature in the summer and a lower one in the winter. Drive more efficient automobiles. Use a bicycle or public transportation. 
     Industry responded with more fuel efficient automobiles, downsizing many. The national speed limit was dropped to 55 miles per hour. Appliances were built to use less energy. It all sounded like a great plan that 30 years later we have taken for granted. 
     Our appliances have became more efficient. But now were have more of them. Switching CFLs instead of incandescent light bulbs saved me 30% on my bill the first month. Now that LED lighting is dropping in price that accounts for further savings.  
     This sounds like a better public concern that fighting among ourselves. This may be something we can unite ourselves with rather than unnecessary violence.  
     The United States has a lot of coal and natural gas. With efforts and technology can be used. It seems enough oil has been found. Coal and gas can be used a fuel for automobiles, construction equipment, etc. Let us use it and fix up the Strategic Reserve fuel area and every empty container full of fuel. This also creates jobs and opportunities for business to open up and provide more jobs. 
     Hydro electric power plants used to be able to keep up with the demand 100 years ago. Not so now. Many countries make the majority of their electric needs from wind and solar. 
      As much as 60% of the food produced is thrown out. Either rotten or not good enough looking to put in the market. Let us figure out a way to use it. 
     There are thousands of jobs to be created in the area of achieving nearly !00% recycling.  
     So let us rally behind something useful like this.