Saturday, June 27, 2015

Carbon Unit

     All that we think we are.We are just a bunch of carbon units. I got the term carbon unit from the original series Star Trek. The old Earth space probe called Voyager hooked up with something else and called itself Veger. Killing all human and everything else in the universe. 
     I was only stopped by thinking Kirk invented it. We are a bunch of carbon units if you think about it. This probe or machine was going through the universe killing carbon units (people) because they were not perfect. As carbon units (people) cannot be perfect. Therefore they must be eliminated. 
     Think how many carbon unit Vegers there have been. Carbon units eliminating carbon units because they are not perfect. Many times using machines to do so. 
      Being carbon units we are never going to be perfect. Maybe good at something at best. Some are real good while others are not that good at all. The common denominator is that all carbon units are not perfect. And there may be a Veger out to get you.