Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone has their own agenda. With that in mind we often try to run over everyone else roughshod. And that isn't the way to be. Are you really in that much of a hurry? Is it someone others fault you are late? Why take it else on someone else?
We all think we are the center of the universe. However we are not. As people we try to take everything out on someone else. When we may be the cause of the problem anyway. Think about what you do. Every time you do not it may come back and bite you.
Think about kindergarten when the teacher told you to play nice. It is not a bad thing to stand up for yourself. But you do not have to take it to the point of being a bully. Although the bully thing seems to be a big thing now. There is that government commercial about the cute girls beating up on the nerdy girl. Even breaking her glasses. Some of the others just watch. That is when nerds need to unite and kick back. All of us can't be beautiful movie stars. But we can be nice too.
It is hard when you are doing something. Maybe many things. And then someone wants you to do something else. You are inundated. But try to chill and do the right thing. Sometimes the first thing that you are working on has to be done first and you just have to stay with it. Other times you can interrupt what you are doing and help someone. This often makes the customers experience far more pleasurable. Which makes them come back. As a rule people will generally tell one person of a good experience and ten of a bad.
One thing that computer scheduling does not take in account is the fact that humans generally take the path of least resistance. If they are not assigned a task until completion they will generally just jack around until their time is up on the clock.
In older times we all left together when we were done. That way everyone had a vested interest in completing the tasks. Not just milk the clock. So this marvel of modern technology assumes that every one has the same mental and physical aptitudes. And they all all have the same drive to get as much done as possible so they can move on to the next thing that needs done. A little glitch in the technology. Some folks are good with little boring details. Others would rather be talking to someone. Then there are the sycophants. They would rather just butter up to the boss and screw everyone else as they bask in the sunlight of favor.
No matter where you are just try one nice move to someone. Do not make it look like a solicitation. As you may get into trouble. Sometimes people do not how to take someone being nice to them. But try.