Thursday, March 2, 2017

Loosing Your Ball And Chain

     We all have a ball and chain. If you do not know what a ball and chain is it is huge iron ball on a thick chain attached to your ankle with a thick metal bracelet. An obvious impediment on mobility. Not to mention painful. Hence the term"ball and chain".
     So what is your ball and chain or chains? Is it a house payment? A car payment? Credit cards? Medical bills? Medical problems?  Job or lack there of? Bad relationship?
     Unfortunately we will always have some kind of ball and chain. No matter how big or small of one. There are ways to minimize your ball and chain. Do not do anything against the law. Do your job as best you can. Try to live and eat healthy. Obey traffic laws when driving. Do not offend anyone. Try to stay happy. I know that I can get on these erg to splurge. Then get buyers remorse. I have done it time and again. Taking the time to separate a need from a want will make you feel better in the long run.