Thursday, February 16, 2017

Having The Right Stuff Still Doesn't Make You Cool

     What is the right stuff? You know the things that make you look cool. But what is cool? Cool is Fonzie on Happy Days. Wow I am dating myself with that one. But it is as true now as it was then. 
     Sometimes we feel that a nice car or clothes make a person. Part of the image that will be created. 
     I feel that I could go out in a new Jaguar in a Burberry suit with hundred dollar bills taped all over it. Then end up walking home naked with no money. A tad bid negative but probably true. 
     Just think of all the right stuff that you had to have to think you were cool. And in the end did not make any difference in the world. The idea of something material or of action makes one cool keeps the economy going. The right clothes, car, TV, phone etc. Really we as individuals cannot help it. We are raised that way from birth. Capitalism, market economy. What ever we want to call it. It is all the same. Ever notice how much they push things in movies and sporting broadcasts. How many Omega watches were sold because of James Bond movies? You can't just say it was a capitalistic thing either. Because when there communist countries they would try to get western things on the black market to be cool. 
      It also is cool to eat the latest cool food and eat at the latest cool restaurant. The right shoes or purse.  At the right place as well.
     Still, what is cool? The real cool doesn't have anything to do with the latest trends and styles. It is that steady, never go out of phase thing. Doing things for people is cool. Then sometimes they do things for you. Just having regular things is cool. It is fun to have the latest and greatest. But as normal human beings we cannot have them. And there is no reason to obsess about it. 
     Magazines and catalogues were my weakness in the past. That has been vastly superseded by the Internet now as I have every catalogue on my lap 24 hours a day. Just Google it and there is the thing that I absolutely need (I mean want). You see we all have that desire to be cool. And that particular thing at this point in time will make you cool, your life a breeze and a better person to boot. 
     But in the end it is the middle of the road, always in style things that you cannot go wrong with. I have Levi 505 jeans from 1978 that are just as in style as they were then. But those Jordashe had to have jeans from 1982 look pretty stupid now. Anything that is on the extreme on one or the other swing of the pendulum will not last. 
     Trend and fad things are just that. A passing trend or fad. A quick buck for someone who is clever enough to convince us that that this particular object or activity is it. That is the entrepreneurship that has caused the world to spin since time began. 
      The nice thing is that everyone can participate in this activity. It does not and should not be anything that is illegal. If you manage to get something going in this spirit you may even be able to be cool. Cool is a winner. And everyone likes a winner. Your fifteen minutes of fame as they say. 
    I could get tattoos, dye my hair blue (what is left of it), wear my pants down to my knees and have a few wires sticking out of my head and be cool. Is cool screaming for attention? Or is cool just maintaining a low profile, being courteous to people doing nothing that makes you stand out or be offensive. that may be the real cool. 
     We will always be subjected to trends and fads that are supposed to make us feel cool. That is a given. It is OK to go for it every now and then as long as it is not too extreme or permanent. As what ever it is will fade and pass.