Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Avast Grime Fighter

     Again where no real problem exists I create one. Surfing the internet this morning as usual. No problems. I have recently purchased the Avast Internet Security system to milk a few more miles out of my aged XP operating system computers. 
     So I get this pop up from Avast about this great computer optimizer they have call Grime Fighter. It is about $39. So I get it, I run it. Now I cannot get my desk top to work. I am working on it as we speak and am writing this post on the laptop. 
     In true Jeff fashion I attempt to fix something that isn't broke. My computer was working marvelously. Notice I said was. After I OKed all the stuff the optimized said needed fixed I had a problem. The task bar on the bottom was gone. I could not get on the internet. Nothing. At this time I have been able to start it in the Safe Mode. And am attempting to get it going again. If it ain't broke don't fix it. 
     This application has a thirty day money back deal. I will be seeking a refund tomorrow. Hopefully on the desk top I am trying to fix. I may have toasted this venerable old machine I have had for nine years. It was a $1500 machine in it's day and that has probably contributed to it's longevity. 
     Now if I cannot fix it I have broke my main machine. And spent $40 to do so. I am so far pleased with the Avast Internet Security system. But this Grime Fighter thing is not something I would suggest. It may have just cooked my machine that was working as fast as any computer I have seen.