Getting by happily without a large income or many material things. Being Frugal, Biking, Green, Cooking At Home, Gardening, Taking Care Of Your Home, Health And Being Happy
Sunday, July 21, 2013
In 1974 I joined the AV department at our school. We were originally based in the back of the library. A back spot as we would create a noise when coming to and fro. So we found a new home in the basement of the middle school section. A boiler. All the elecric stuff in that room. But room. And a lot of room. Three windows to the outside. So I brought in a couch, chairs, stereo, 25 inch color tv, coffee maker and a hot plate. Home away from home.
We used the old Bell and Howelll 16mm format. You know. The movies you watched in school. In the wintertime we would show old claais movie shorts. Like the Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello etc. Even a few full feature films as time went on. Charging ten cents. We even make our own movie. Quite a hit at the time but didn't stand the test of time.
AV provided me with a pass to go through the halls at any point in time I wanted to. That was my hall pass. This allowed me to leave the campus in a clandestine way if I wanted to . Come and go as you please. I was also involved in the Boy Scouts. I had a Scout Room uptown. Set up nicely too. Pretty cool huh? A lot of people did not have these luxuries. I did.
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