Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welfare State

     Over the years I have heard talk of a welfare state. I really didn't understand what this means. As with a lot of things. As I ride the twenty year old bicycle  to work I observe the parking lot. Many high end cars running around out there. What is up with this? I thought this was a bad economy. As one man's junk is another's treasure is the rule. There are people doing well in this economy. Others are just getting by.
     What is the difference? I see everyybody with cell phones. I see most driving cars. A lot are obese. It is not nice now to call them fat. Over time I have concluded that fat people are fat because they are lazy and eat too much or are greedy, May not be a fact. Just my veiw over the years.
     The only advantage that I can think of is giving people something is to prevent them from stealing something. It's a whole lot easier to sit at home and guard the TV then it is to steal something and try to cash in on it, Some people are still trying this according to my local  paper. So we are giving people everything they need so they will not violently take it. But not work for it. So feed me, not make me work, have all the time in the world, to just do what I wnat.
     Can't beat that. Sounds like a plan. Bleed this country of all the weath that people worked hard to make. Just come in and be a butt. Get something else for free. Because you want to be free. Or live for free. Why work? That takes times away from the other things that you want to do.
     The budget that was during the Clinton years was a direct result of the Bush and Reagan years. He just coasted. The tech thing. No debt. Good time to be Pres.
     One thing about it is we as people do not want to loose what we have. No matter how much or how little.We try to preserve and maintain. We can always try to get a little more. The lawsuit. Fear of or threat of a lawsuit. He looked at me wrong. They said something back after I treated them like dirt. You can't do that. I have the right to treat them like dirt. I am a customer who paying for this somehow. But I would rather not spend my money or foodstamps on this when I can threaten the company and get whatever or maybe more for free.
     When I was little on the playground a tattletail was the worst person. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's not the way it is now. Companies are on pins and needles trying not to get sued. What ever happened to if you didn't like the way you treated somewhere that you just go somewhere else? Well if you are not treated right everywhere the common demoninator might be you. You however are not a nasty person. You are just trying to get something else for free. It is your right!
     I see people park in the handicapped spot. Some have a handicapped license plate. Others have that little tag thing they hang on their mirror. That way you don't have to ride around in your Escalade with that old handicapped tag all the time. They get out of their car and look and move like they could run a marathon. They do not care that some amputee may pull in behind them who really needs to use that spot. They don't care because their behavior is within their rights.
     This behavior by people puts undo pressure on companies and employees. It drives up prices and contributes to health problems and general unhappiness to the people who are trying to get by honestly. What is your behavior? Look in the mirror.